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Welcome to my app!

This application originally started off as a company directory of some kind, but has recently pivoted towards a job-hunting application to help keep track of resumes and cover letters. The weblog is intended to be a community to help developers write better cover letters, resumes, and even code and projects they might be working on. There are many directions in which I can take this project, but for now take a look around.

If you're curious, the front end has been deployed to Heroku using Express as a BFF. The back end serves resources built with Node, Express, and MongoDB. Mongo suits this application well as I am not sure on the modeling and schema of the database.

Technologies used

  • Vue 2
  • vue-router
  • vue-resource (probably switching to Axios or fetch )
  • webpack (through vue-cli)
  • bulma (for styling)
  • flexbox (what bulma can't do)
  • heroku
  • javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS is a link to this project's back-end repository. As always, feel free to fork!


As you can see, the calendar still needs a lot of work. I am making progress with moment.js as it has proven to be a very useful tool when working with date and time. I have used CSS flexbox to design the calendar and need to decide if the current iteration has to be refactored to accommodate Vue's v-for directive which renders the days and weeks of the calendar.


This part of the application was very fun to work on. Despite how challenging some parts were, it served as a fantastic learning tool. The most challenging part was the nested comments feature. Now that it is finished, I have sort of discovered a more efficient way to render the nested comments using more components. I theorize that if I were to use separate Vue components, then I can have infinitely nested comments, but this isn't Reddit so we'll see. One thing to keep in mind is that I have temporarily disabled the ability to delete posts and comments. This is due to a bug I am working on that needs to recursively delete the nested comments tied to the parent comment. I will come back to this bug later as I would like to prioritize other features of this app for now.

Intended features

  • infinitely nested comment, but again, this isn't Reddit.
  • in an effort to preserve user content, perhaps instead of comment and post deletion, there should be a way of rendering the comments and posts annonymous. I will have to think about that.
  • setting up the "favorites" feature so a user can bookmark their favorite discussions.


I have choosen to use the Github strategy simply because I see the user base consisting of mostly developers, but that could change. I intend to include Google as a strategy and maybe a simple user name and password. Oauth is so nice though!

  • redirect does not work yet when a user navigates to an unauthorized page.
  • a second oauth strategy (probs Google).
  • better styling on the Welcome page.