A request router that brings a touch of architecture to otherwise disparate mifen. Provides several fundamental shared services, that among others include: common subdomain, unified auth realm, and serverless API gateway that can quickly bring a Mifedom to life
SUPPORT REMINDER: Given the shared common purpose, we strive to quickly respond to hackathon use cases.
This repo is intended to unite Micro-cosm mifen. By providing just one simple approach that quickly binds loosely-coupled mifen together, we hope to reveal new ways to reason about complex systems.
This repo assumes access to a running GCP project that provides access to local installations of gcloud and firebase CLIs.
Use freely, but please befit security rigor to your purpose.
After reviewing and appropriately updating the firebase.json(working example provided) and adding your .firebaserc file, just run the following to deploy to your existing Firebase project
firebase deploy
NOTE: Running this assumes that any services included in the gateway are pointing to live instances, otherwise the deployment will error that indicates the unavailable service.
debug: Debugging info about the plugins runloop and each individual plugin or other components at a tedious level.
info/notice: Both levels provid similarly esoteric messages, primarily capturing safely-ignored normal operating behavior.
warn: Captures abnormal behavior, typically not resulting in dropped requests, but certainly worthy of attention.
error: Captures true error conditions resulting in dropped requests, likely recognized by users via HTTP 50x-ish response.
Monitoring the rate of these logs is important, as they can happen occasionally. An abnormally high rate of error logs
probably is a sign that very visible breaks a occurring frequently.
crit: Critical conditions exist that likely impact all users, you might should wake somebody up for this one :)
5000 - mifedom
8000 - mifedom kong api