title | description | ms.reviewer | ms.topic | ms.date |
Geospatial data visualizations |
Learn how to visualize geospatial data. |
mbrichko |
reference |
02/26/2025 |
[!INCLUDE applies] [!INCLUDE fabric] [!INCLUDE azure-data-explorer] [!INCLUDE monitor] [!INCLUDE sentinel]
Geospatial data can be visualized as part of your query using the render operator as points, pies, or bubbles on a map.
For more information about geospatial clustering, see Geospatial clustering.
You can visualize points either using [Longitude, Latitude] columns, or GeoJSON column. Using a series column is optional. The [Longitude, Latitude] pair defines each point, in that order.
The following example finds storm events and visualizes 100 on a map.
:::moniker range="azure-data-explorer"
[!div class="nextstepaction"] Run the query ::: moniker-end
| take 100
| project BeginLon, BeginLat
| render scatterchart with (kind = map)
:::image type="content" source="media/geo-visualizations/storm-events-sample.png" alt-text="Screenshot of sample storm events on a map.":::
The following example visualizes multiple series of points, where the [Longitude, Latitude] pair defines each point, and a third column defines the series. In this example, the series is EventType
:::moniker range="azure-data-explorer"
[!div class="nextstepaction"] Run the query ::: moniker-end
| take 100
| project BeginLon, BeginLat, EventType
| render scatterchart with (kind = map)
:::image type="content" source="media/geo-visualizations/storm-events-series-sample.png" alt-text="Screenshot of sample storm series events on a map.":::
The following example visualizes a series of points on a map. If you have multiple columns in the result, you must specify the columns to be used for xcolumn (Longitude), ycolumn (Latitude), and series.
The multiple columns visualization is only supported in Kusto.Explorer.
| take 100
| render scatterchart with (kind = map, xcolumn = BeginLon, ycolumns = BeginLat, series = EventType)
:::image type="content" source="media/geo-visualizations/storm-events-series-sample.png" alt-text="Screenshot of sample storm series events using arguments.":::
The following example visualizes points on the map using GeoJSON dynamic values to define the points.
:::moniker range="azure-data-explorer"
[!div class="nextstepaction"] Run the query ::: moniker-end
| project BeginLon, BeginLat
| summarize by hash=geo_point_to_s2cell(BeginLon, BeginLat, 5)
| project geo_s2cell_to_central_point(hash)
| render scatterchart with (kind = map)
:::image type="content" source="media/geo-visualizations/storm-events-s2cell.png" alt-text="Screenshot of sample storm GeoJSON events.":::
You can visualize pies or bubbles either using [Longitude, Latitude] columns, or GeoJSON column. These visualizations can be created with color or numeric axes.
The following example shows storm events aggregated by S2 cells. The chart aggregates events in bubbles by location in one color.
:::moniker range="azure-data-explorer"
[!div class="nextstepaction"] Run the query ::: moniker-end
| project BeginLon, BeginLat, EventType
| where geo_point_in_circle(BeginLon, BeginLat, real(-81.3891), 28.5346, 1000 * 100)
| summarize count() by EventType, hash = geo_point_to_s2cell(BeginLon, BeginLat)
| project geo_s2cell_to_central_point(hash), count_
| extend Events = "count"
| render piechart with (kind = map)
:::image type="content" source="media/geo-visualizations/storm-events-bubble.png" alt-text="Screenshot of storm events on a bubble map.":::
The following example shows storm events aggregated by S2 cells. The chart aggregates events by event type in pie charts by location.
The color axis visualization is only supported in Kusto.Explorer.
| project BeginLon, BeginLat, EventType
| where geo_point_in_circle(BeginLon, BeginLat, real(-81.3891), 28.5346, 1000 * 100)
| summarize count() by EventType, hash = geo_point_to_s2cell(BeginLon, BeginLat)
| project geo_s2cell_to_central_point(hash), EventType, count_
| render piechart with (kind = map)
:::image type="content" source="media/geo-visualizations/storm-events-color-pie-map.png" alt-text="Screenshot of storm events on a pie map in Kusto.Explorer.":::
- Geospatial clustering
- Render operator
- Data analytics for automotive test fleets (geospatial clustering use case)
- Learn about Azure architecture for geospatial data processing and analytics