UID | title | description | helpviewer_keywords | old-location | tech.root | ms.assetid | ms.date | ms.keywords | req.header | req.include-header | req.target-type | req.target-min-winverclnt | req.target-min-winversvr | req.kmdf-ver | req.umdf-ver | req.ddi-compliance | req.unicode-ansi | req.idl | req.max-support | req.namespace | req.assembly | req.type-library | req.lib | req.dll | req.irql | targetos | req.typenames | req.redist | ms.custom | f1_keywords | dev_langs | topic_type | api_type | api_location | api_name | |||||||||||||||||||
NF:aclui.ISecurityInformation2.IsDaclCanonical |
ISecurityInformation2::IsDaclCanonical (aclui.h) |
The IsDaclCanonical method determines whether the ACEs contained in the specified DACL structure are ordered according to the definition of DACL ordering implemented by the client. |
security\isecurityinformation2_isdaclcanonical.htm |
security |
54b83592-0cfb-45db-9788-05459c9ec35c |
12/05/2018 |
ISecurityInformation2 interface [Security],IsDaclCanonical method, ISecurityInformation2.IsDaclCanonical, ISecurityInformation2::IsDaclCanonical, IsDaclCanonical, IsDaclCanonical method [Security], IsDaclCanonical method [Security],ISecurityInformation2 interface, _win32_isecurityinformation2_isdaclcanonical, aclui/ISecurityInformation2::IsDaclCanonical, security.isecurityinformation2_isdaclcanonical |
aclui.h |
Windows |
Windows XP [desktop apps only] |
Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only] |
Windows |
19H1 |
The IsDaclCanonical method determines whether the ACEs contained in the specified DACL structure are ordered according to the definition of DACL ordering implemented by the client.
A pointer to a discretionary ACL structure initialized by InitializeAcl.
Returns TRUE if the ACEs contained in the specified DACL structure are ordered according to the definition of DACL ordering implemented by the client.
Returns FALSE if the ACEs are not ordered correctly.
If the return value of this method is FALSE, the access control editor displays a message box stating that the DACL is incorrectly ordered. If this method is not provided and the editor requires this information, the editor will check the canonical ordering defined in Order of ACEs in a DACL.