title | description | author | ms.author | ms.date | ms.service | ms.subservice | ms.topic | f1_keywords | helpviewer_keywords | apitype | ||
PropertyAttributesEnum |
PropertyAttributesEnum |
rothja |
jroth |
01/19/2017 |
sql |
ado |
reference |
Specifies the attributes of a Property object.
Constant | Value | Description |
adPropNotSupported | 0 | Indicates that the property is not supported by the provider. |
adPropRequired | 1 | Indicates that the user must specify a value for this property before the data source is initialized. |
adPropOptional | 2 | Indicates that the user does not need to specify a value for this property before the data source is initialized. |
adPropRead | 512 | Indicates that the user can read the property. |
adPropWrite | 1024 | Indicates that the user can set the property. |
Package: com.ms.wfc.data
Constant |
AdoEnums.PropertyAttributes.NOTSUPPORTED |
AdoEnums.PropertyAttributes.REQUIRED |
AdoEnums.PropertyAttributes.OPTIONAL |
AdoEnums.PropertyAttributes.READ |
AdoEnums.PropertyAttributes.WRITE |