Version: 1.0.2
Editor: Gerard Ledoux
Goal of project:
This repo is a compilation of mini fun projects and challenges that tackle various
- Software development concepts: data structures & algorithms, database design & implementation, ...etc
- Programming tools: python, JS, bash, nano, Git, postgresql, ...etc
- Technical skills: problem solving, project management, algorithmic design and implementation, ...etc
The task list below breaks down how I will be putting those into effects by taking on fun and challenging exercises (until I get a job.)
Week 1
For the first week I will start off by working on free code camp scientific computing with python challenges which are:
- Password Generator
- Shortest Path Algorithm
- Tower of Hanoi
- Merge Sort Algorithm
- Sudoku Solver
- Binary Search Tree
Followed up by learning a few technical skills like testing:
- Testing with python: Link to video
- Testing with c++: Link to video
Week 2
For the second week I will continue improving on my problem solving and algorithm thinking skills by building solving the following common
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort Algorithm
- Binary Search
- Interpolation Search
Followed up by learning a few technical skills like testing:
- Implementing various data structures like lists, trees and graphs.
- Implementing sorting algorithms on data structures.
Week 3
For the second week I will continue improving on my problem solving and algorithm thinking skills by learning how to build the following common data structures
- Arrays
- Linked Lists
- Stack
- Queues
- Trees
- Binary Trees
- Binary Search Trees
- Heaps
- Graphs
- Hashmap
- Hashtable
Followed up by learning algorithms to implement when altering the above mentioned data structures:
- Implementing various data structures like arrays, lists, heaps, trees and graphs.
- Implementing algorithms and many others on data structures.