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Releases: Mikusch/tfgo


13 Jan 10:27
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Fixes a bug with TF2 Econ Data not having its SDKCalls ready at plugin load, preventing the plugin from loading (#73).
Thanks to @Batfoxkid for the contribution!


11 Jan 18:26
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This release fixes a bug where the defending team could never achieve a time win due to the game going into endless overtime.

The timer will now also forcibly end the round, regardless of capture progress. This means that the attacking team now has to plant the bomb when the timer has more than 3 seconds left.


08 Jan 10:03
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This release re-adds Windows support by supplying necessary gamedata.


24 Oct 23:31
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DHooks Update Required

This version makes use of the new DHooks methodmap API.
Server operators need to update their version of DHooks to Version 2.2.0-detours15 or greater.

Other Changes

  • Added a buymenu command to re-open the buy menu (player needs to be in a valid buy zone)
  • Fixed the SetLocked input not working on certain control points
    • The game mode should be compatible with a lot more maps now
  • Minor balance and code improvements


31 Aug 08:59
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This version does not work properly on Windows servers!
I will put out a patch soon that adds the missing offsets and addresses. Until then, it is advised to stay on v1.3.1 if you plan on using the gamemode on a Windows server.


  • Each attacking team now gets a carryable bomb
    • A bomb carrier is randomly chosen at the start of each round
    • The bomb must be carried to a control point to be able to plant it
    • The bomb can be dropped to teammates using the dropitem command
    • Carried bombs can be seen through walls by their respective team, dropped bombs can be seen through walls by both teams
    • The bomb will automatically reset to its respawn room if it lands in an unreachable spot
    • If a bomb is planted, all other bombs in the map will disappear
  • Each control point is now hidden in the HUD unless a bomb was planted on it
  • Default weapons now show up in the buy menu for $200 each
  • Kevlar HUD text now shows if you have a helmet equipped
  • As always, code improvements and cleanup


20 Aug 14:50
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TF:GO now has a thread on AlliedModders!


  • The bomb explosion will now damage buildings in range
  • Added sample configuration files tfgo_casual.cfg and tfgo_competitive.cfg
  • Enabled sv_alltalk during halftime and at the end of the game
  • Made cash HUD display show how much was added to the account every time money is earned
  • Disabled freeze cam
  • Many small code changes and improvements


  • Fixed a player's Strange Construction PDA not being granted when buying a Construction PDA
  • (#68) Fixed halftime state when the mp_maxrounds cvar is changed (thanks to @FortyTwoFortyTwo )


12 Jul 01:44
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  • Added a proper halftime period, configurable using tfgo_halftime_duration (default: 15)
  • Added the convar tfgo_halftime_scramble (default: 0) to scramble the teams instead of switching sides
  • Updated include
    • Removed TFGO_OnMaxRounds forward
      • Hook the tf_game_over event instead
    • Renamed TFGO_OnHalfTime to TFGO_OnHalfTimeStarted
      • Can be used by map voting plugins to start a vote
    • Added TFGO_HasHalfTimeEnded
      • Return true to end the halftime period, false to continue the halftime period and call the forward again
      • Can be used by map voting plugins to keep the vote running during halftime
    • Added TFGO_ShouldSwitchTeams
      • Return true switch the teams, false do nothing
      • Can be used by map voting plugins to increase the amount of rounds being played without switching the teams
  • Added a new music type Music_HalfTime
    • Give an entry in your soundscripts the name Music.HalfTime.<kit name> to use this new sound type
    • Added a new sound mainmenu.mp3 to the default music kits, used for the halftime music


  • Fixed the round counter persisting over map changes
  • Fixed false error messages when passing NULL_STRING to TFGO_SetClientMusicKit


04 Jul 23:43
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Thoroughly tested on both Windows and Linux