This repo contains open-source designs for our customizable perfusion chamber system, as detailed in our 2021 paper in Nature Protocols. We have included some useful accessories as well which we encourage you to download and print. Please also check out the separate git repo for our open-source gel flipper.
To generate perfusion chambers, you will need to first download OpenSCAD. Our paper linked above provides instructions for programming the chamber design you want, and then subsequently assembling the physical chamber for perfusion experiments. If you want to explore the more advanced functionality of the script for making multiple sets of ports, we have a tutorial for that in the Nature Protocols supplement, also included in this repo for convenience.
Bugs and feature requests: Please help us optimize the chamber design by reporting any bugs you might encounter. Email ian.kinstlinger [at] gmail [dot] com. We may also be able to advise you if you want to add a feature which is not currently supported. We encourage everyone to remix and expand these tools and we would love to see new versions created by the community.
How to cite: If you use these resources in a publication, please cite this project as
Kinstlinger, I.S., Calderon, G.A., Royse, M.K. et al. Perfusion and endothelialization of engineered tissues with patterned vascular networks. Nat Protoc (2021).