In this project we manage to create two methods that sort an array of numbers and strings.
- Ruby
- Rubocop
- Git
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- If you're using latest version of git.
- Clone this url on your local host.
- Un zip and open the folder that contains the file and run the command line --> irb irb(main):001:0> require './bubble_sort' Hopefully you will get a => true *Then you can try the first method called bubble_sort([9,8,7,6,5,4]) -In this example you will get the sorted array [4,5,6,7,8,9] *To try the second method use bubble_sort_by(["helloxxx3" "helloxx2" "hellox1" "hello"]) do |left, right| end -In this example you will get the sorted array => ["hello", "hellox1", "helloxx2", "helloxxx3"]
Carlos Ospina
- GitHub: @carloso0114
- Twitter: Carlos_Osp1
- LinkedIn: Carlos Ospina
Mily Puente
- GitHub: @Milypm
- LinkedIn: Mily Puente
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