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Tool for generating dummy values for unit test in android

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Tool for generating dummy values for unit test in android

👉 Getting Started:

Include the following dependency in your build.gradle.kts file:


You can check the latest version from HERE

👉 How to Use:

You can easily generate dummy values using fixture<DATA_TYPE>() as the following:

// Creates a dummy string
val dummyString = fixture<String>()

// Create a dummy date
val dummyDate = fixture<Date>()

// Create a dummy file
val dummyFile = fixture<File>()

Also you can generate dummy iterable values using fixtureITERABLE_TYPE<DATA_TYPE>() as the following:

// Creates a list of dummy strings
val dummyStringList = fixtureList<String>()

// Also you can adjust size of your preferred iterable, the default size is : 1
val dummyStringList = fixtureList<Long>(repeatSize = 5)

What about data classes ?!

// Random Data Class for Product Item
data class Product(
    val id: Int,
    val price: Int,
    val quantity: Int

// Creates a dummy product item
val product = fixture<Product>()

Need to override some class parameters, no problem it's pretty easy?!

// Creates a dummy product item
val product = fixture<Product> {
    mapOf("price" to 350)

Worry about sealed classes ?! let's see what fixture<>() can do:

// Random Data Class for Product Item
data class Product(
    val id: Int,
    val price: Int,
    val quantity: Int,
    val productType: ProductType
sealed class ProductType {
    data class Electronics(val maxVoltage: Int) : ProductType()
    data object Food : ProductType()

// Creates a dummy product item, and fixture will pick random nested sealed class of ProductType
val product = fixture<Product>()

👉 Supported Types:

Here is the supported data types:

Type Example Description
Boolean fixture<Boolean>() Creates dummy boolean value
Int fixture<Int>() Creates dummy integer value
Long fixture<Long>() Creates dummy long value
Short fixture<Short>() Creates dummy short value
Byte fixture<Byte>() Creates dummy byte value
Float fixture<Float>() Creates dummy float value
Double fixture<Double>() Creates dummy double value
Char fixture<Char>() Creates dummy character value
String fixture<String>() Creates dummy string value
BigDecimal fixture<BigDecimal>() Creates dummy big decimal value
Date fixture<Date>() Creates dummy date value
LocalDate fixture<LocalDate>() Creates dummy local date value
File fixture<File>() Creates dummy file value
Interface fixture<INTERFACE>() Creates random dummy value of the provided interface implementations
Enum fixture<ENUM>() Creates random dummy value of the provided enum class
Sealed Class fixture<SEALED_CLASS>() Creates random dummy value of the sealed class nested classes
Java Model Class fixture<JAVA_CLASS>() Creates dummy java class instance using primary constructor

👉 Supported Iterable Types:

Here is the supported iterable data types:

Type Example Description
List fixtureList<DATA_TYPE>() Creates list of dummy values of provided data type
Array fixtureArray<DATA_TYPE>() Creates array of dummy values of provided data type
Set fixtureSet<DATA_TYPE>() Creates set of dummy values of provided data type
Map fixtureMap<KEY_TYPE,VALUE_TYPE>() Creates map of dummy keys of provided type and dummy values of provided type

👉 Modules:

👉 Code Style:

  • Following official kotlin code style.

👉 Local Development:

  • Here are some useful Gradle commands for executing this example:
    • ./gradlew clean - Deletes build directory.

👉 Have an issue?:

  • If you faced any issue with the library or if you want to add support for missing data type, please open an issue with it to help me make this library supports more data types.

👉 Contributing to Project:

  • Just fork this repository and contribute back using pull requests.
  • Any contributions, large or small, major features, bug fixes, are welcomed and appreciated but will be thoroughly reviewed.

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⚠️ License:


   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.