###MCDek is a Minecraft Classic Server Software.
####General Overview
MCDek is a Minecraft Classic Server software, originally forked from MCLawl on January 16, 2012. It's goals are to:
- Streamline MCLawl's command base
- Add new commands to meet a competitive classic server software world
- Develop a new, intuitive, feature-packed beta server software
#####License Overview:
MCDek is a free server software, and is developed under a GNU General Public License. This allows enthusiastic developers to contribute to the software. You should have received a copy of the License with your copy of MCDek. If not, you can obtain a license from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.html.
#####Extended Information:
For extended information on this product, it's goals and interests, as well as how you can help, visit http://www.dekemaserv.com/.