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Library for generating diffs for objects for use in assertion libraries


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Generates structurual diffs for two JS objects. Objects can have circular references.

The first of all purpose of library -- to create nice diffs for assertion libraries.


npm install structured-diff


let api = require('structured-diff');

let objectDiff = api.generateDiff(
  { some: 'foo', object: true },
  { object: 'is', cool: ['yes', true] }
// or
let stringDiff = new api.Diff('some string', 'another string');

// Get unified diff with inline diffs in each line with 4 lines of context
// before and after changed lines
let unified = objectDiff.unified(4);

// Get inline diff with 4 lines of context before and after changed lines
let inline  = stringDiff.inline(4);

diff has format describing by JSON Schemas. Also see Diff format section.

Also see examples.


Module exports object with one function and one class for generating diffs:

Class Diff

constructor(expected: String, actual: String[, options: Object])

Creates diffs by comparing expected and actual. Both parameters must be strings.


  • expected: Base string which will be show as removed part of diff
  • actual: New string which will be showed as added part of diff
  • options: Options for diff algorithm. Optional parameter, defaults to {}. Supported options:
    • ignoreWhitespace (type: boolean, default: false): ignores whitespace changes in lines;
    • newlineIsToken (type: boolean, default: false): if true, each symbol \n or sequence \r\n considered as separate token, otherwise it includes as part in preceding token;
    • ignoreCase (type: boolean, default: false): if true, tokens are compared case-insensitive;
    • comparator (type: function(String, String) -> boolean, default: undefined): function for comparing tokens, must return -1, 0, or 1 if first token less then, equals or greater then second accordingly;
    • hint (type: Object|string, default: undefined): the hint to diff algorithm with what type of objects it works. Can be or string with type name or object { type: string, ... } with type and additional options dependent on type. For now only one type is known with one additional option:
      • { type: 'json', indent: Number }. Parameter indent specify indentation size, used for JSON stringification. This hint will be used by diff algorithm for produce nice output in differences in indents

unified([context: Number]) -> Object[]
inline ([context: Number]) -> Object[]

Converts Diff object to array with hunks or lines, depending on presence of the context parameter. If the context is undefined then method returns an array, each element of which represents one line of the text. The text is divided into lines by \n symbol or \r\n sequence. Otherwise array contains hunks with only changed lines and specified number of context lines before and after changed lines. In particular, if context===0, each hunk contains only the changed lines.

If context===null then method returns one hunk with all lines if there exist some changes and empty array otherwise. It differs from behavior if context is undefined -- in this case the array of all lines always returns even if there are no changes.

Each line for unified method represented by the following object:

{ kind: ' /+/-', value: 'line value' }
// or
{ kind: '+/-', changes: [{ kind: ' /+/-', value: 'part of string' }] }


  • kind: one of ' ', '+' or '-'. Represents kind of change -- line not changed (context line), line added in actual or line is removed in actual;
  • value: contains line text; for the changed lines existence of this property means that in them there are no inline differences, otherwise object contains property changes. Context lines always contains only that property;
  • changes: array of objects represents inline changes in the line. This property is used instead of value property for lines with inline differences. Each array element is object with following structure:
    • kind: one of ' ', '+' or '-'. Represents kind of change -- piece not changed, piece added or removed;
    • value: string contains part of text that the same in expected and actual, added or removed within line.

Each line for inline method represented by the following object:

{ kind: ' /+/-/?', value: 'line value' }
// or
{ kind: '+/-', changes: [ { kind: ' /+/-', value: 'part of string' }] }


  • kind: one of ' ', '+', '-' or '?'. Represents kind of change -- line not changed (context line), line added in actual, line is removed in actual, line contains inline differences;
  • value: for all kinds except '?', contains line text; for the kind = '?' object contains property changes instead of this property;
  • changes: array of objects represents inline changes in the line. This property is used only for kind = '?' instead of value property. Each array element is object with following structure:
    • kind: one of ' ', '+' or '-'. Represents kind of change -- piece not changed, piece added or removed;
    • value: string contains part of text that the same in expected and actual, added or removed within line.

Each hunk in both method results represented by the following object:

  oldStart: <Number>, oldLines: <Number>,
  newStart: <Number>, newLines: <Number>,
  lines: <array of Line objects described above>

oldStart represents line number (starts with 1) when the hunk is begin in expected string and oldLines represents all lines in the hunk that come from expected (context lines and removed lines).

newStart and newLines represents the same things in the actual string, but newLines count context lines and added lines.


  • context: Number of unchanged lines to include in result around changed lines (specified count applied to lines below and above changed lines, so 2 means up to 4 context lines)

Returns: See description

generateDiff(expected: Object, actual: Object[, options: Object]) -> Diff

Creates diffs by comparing expected and actual converted to strings.

If both expected and actual are already strings, then the behavior is the same as new Diff(expected, actual, options). Otherwise both objects will be converted to strings with use of the stable algorithm working with circular references. At the moment stringification performed with safe-stable-stringify. This is optional dependency so you can use this method only if it is installed, otherwise method throw Error.


  • expected: Object, Base object which will be show as removed part of diff
  • actual: Object, New object which will be showed as added part of diff

Returns: Object[], Array with one change element for each line of text diff between stringified representation of compared objects. Each change object can also have information about inline differences.

Diff format

In both diff formats deletions appears before insertions in changed parts.


Function Diff.unified returns array when each element describes one line in unified diff output. Description of format also available as JSON Schema v7.

Each array element has kind property:

  • ' ' -- line not changed (the same in both sides). Line content in the value property
  • '-' -- line is removed (line is exist in expected and missing in actual). Line content or in value or in changes property
  • '+' -- line is inserted (line is missing in expected and exist in actual). Line content or in value or in changes property

When line kind is + or -, line content can have inline changes. Inline changes stored in the property changes as array of inlineChange object with properties kind and value. Each value always string with part of line content and kind property has values:

  • ' ' -- this part of line not changed (the same in both sides)
  • '-' -- this part of line is removed (is exist in expected and missing in actual)
  • '+' -- this part of line is inserted (is missing in expected and exist in actual)

When line do not have inline changes it can contains property value instead of changes with string with all line content.

For example from Usage section the following diff will be generated (variable unified):

  { kind: ' ', value: '{' },
    kind: '-',
    changes: [
      { kind: ' ', value: '  "' },
      { kind: '-', value: 'some' },
      { kind: ' ', value: '": "' },
      { kind: '-', value: 'foo' },
      { kind: ' ', value: '"' }
    kind: '-',
    changes: [
      { kind: ' ', value: '  "' },
      { kind: '-', value: 'object' },
      { kind: ' ', value: '": ' },
      { kind: ' ', value: 'true' }
    kind: '+',
    changes: [
      { kind: ' ', value: '  "' },
      { kind: '+', value: 'object' },
      { kind: ' ', value: '": "' },
      { kind: '+', value: 'is' },
      { kind: ' ', value: '"' }
    kind: '+',
    changes: [
      { kind: ' ', value: '  "' },
      { kind: '+', value: 'cool' },
      { kind: ' ', value: '": ' },
      { kind: '+', value: '[' }
  { kind: '+', value: '    "yes"' },
    kind: '+',
    changes: [
      { kind: '+', value: '    ' },
      { kind: ' ', value: 'true' }
  { kind: '+', value: '  ]' },
  { kind: ' ', value: '}' }


Function Diff.inline returns array when each element describes one line in inline diff output. Description of format also available as JSON Schema v7.

Each array element has kind property:

  • ' ' -- line not changed (the same in both sides). Line content in the value property
  • '-' -- line is removed (line is exist in expected and missing in actual). Line content in the value property
  • '+' -- line is inserted (line is missing in expected and exist in actual). Line content in the value property
  • '?' -- line exists in both sides but not identical. Line content in the changes property

When line kind is ?, line content has inline changes. Inline changes stored in the property changes as array of inlineChange object with properties kind and value. Each value always string with part of line content and kind property has values:

  • ' ' -- this part of line not changed (the same in both sides)
  • '-' -- this part of line is removed (is exist in expected and missing in actual)
  • '+' -- this part of line is inserted (is missing in expected and exist in actual)

For example from Usage section the following diff will be generated (variable inline):

    kind: '?',
    changes: [
      { kind: '-', value: 'some' },
      { kind: '+', value: 'another' },
      { kind: ' ', value: ' string' }


Library for generating diffs for objects for use in assertion libraries








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