- I wasn't able to get Eth from faucets for Rinkeby Test Network from the 2 websites provided in the course, I also wasn't able to find other faucets, so as a result, I deployed my token's contract on the Ropsten Test Network instead.
- I used my own Metamask seed when I deployed the token's contract, however, I removed it before putting my code on GitHub, since as we were taught throughout the course, the seed must be kept secret, I also removed my infura key, so in case you want to deploy my code on the Ropsten Test Network to check that it works properly, make sure to put your Metamask seed and infura key (in the truffle-config.js file).
- In case you also want to deploy my contract on the Ropsten Test Network, you might need to change the gas limit in the truffle-config.js file, as it keeps changing (go to Etherscan, check the gas limit of the last block added to the Ropsten Test Network, and put a value that is smaller than the value shown in a bit).
- OpenZeppelin Version: 2.1.2
- Truffle Version: v5.1.45 (core: 5.1.45)
- Token Name: Mira
- Token Symbol: AMN
- Token Contract Address on Ropsten Test Network: 0x0c7328597bc6fb5ac641e36cc308e92c7307c2de
- Solidity: v0.5.16 (solc-js)
- Node: v12.18.3
- Web3.js: v1.2.1