1. Frame-by-frame analyzer:
- Find characters and their animation states
- Find frame interval analyzed (
- Write to .csv (maybe local array and write off at the end?)
2. UI, youtube link -> video -> stats -> database
- What do we need from user?
Names of players, date, tournament (round?)
- How do we validate this data before putting it in the database?
3. Derived tables
- Primary keys: players, date, tournament/round, game #, frame interval
- Generated by engine: animation states
- From this, derive tables:
- Lowest level: button inputs (-> A, etc)
- Higher: move names (fsmash, etc)
- Highest: above w/ tech (wavedash, shffl, etc)
4. Low-level reports:
- combos
- situational decision making
5. Higher-level reports
- Stage control
- Edgeguarding efficiency
- Decision trees/Option coverage/Reads
- Spacing
6. Metagame reports
- What works against certain characters?
- Matchup records
- Stage data
Known limitations:
- YouTube: <30 fps
- DI can't be identified (right?)
- Fast inputs (worst case: 7 game frames btw youtube frames)
- Working on basic object detection, identifying pikachu and fox in game starting positions