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  1. Camera calibration
    1. DLT in 2D homographies
      1. Estimation problems in 2D Projective Transformations: MVG pg 106
      2. DLT - MVG pg 107
        • Basic Algorithm - pg 109
        • Normalized DLT - pg 127
      3. Least-squares solution of homogeneous equations - pg 593
    2. DLT for camera calibration
      1. DLT in a Nutshell - 01_camera_calib/00_stachniss_DLT-calibration.pptx.pdf pg 47
      2. GP notes - 01_camera_calib/GP notes/00_stachniss_DLT_GP.pdf
    3. Zhang's method
      1. See 01_camera_calib/paper_Zhang.pdf
      2. Decomposition of H into calibration and extrinsics - 01_camera_calib/00_stachniss_DLT-calibration.pptx.pdf - pg 66
    4. Homogenous coordinates
      1. 01_camera_calib/01_stachniss_homogenous_projective_geometry.pptx.pdf
        • important 3D transformations: pg 62
    5. PnP
      1. P3P formulation - 01_camera_calib/02_Camera_Calibration_P3P_Stachniss.pdf
      2. EPnP - 01_camera_calib/paper_EPnP.pdf
  2. MVG
    1. Epipolar Geometry Theory - MVG pg 257
      1. Properties of F - pg 263
      2. Extraction of camera from F (not important) - Pg 271
      3. Essential matrix - Pg 275
    2. Computation of F - Pg 297
      1. Normalized 8 point algorithm - Pg 300
      2. Special cases of F computation - Pg 311
    3. Summaries available in 02_mvg/00_feiFeiLi_Epipolar.pdf
    4. Rectification
      1. (Not that great) 02_mvg/00_feiFeiLi_Epipolar.pdf - Pg 45
      2. 03_stereo_rect/00_Stereo_RectificationCMU.pdf
      3. (_But, doesn't really explain anything important) Im age Rectification - MVG Pg 321
  3. Bundle Adjustment
    1. Cyrill
      1. Intro - 04_BA/00_Cyrill_BA.pdf
      2. Numerics - 04_BA/02_Cyrill_BA2.pdf
    2. 04_BA/01_notion_page_BA.pdf
  4. EKF
    1. /home/vineeth/Desktop/MR_Endsem/05_EKF/01_CH7_from_this_ProbabilisticRoboticsBook.pdf: Ch 7 - Pg 169
      1. Markov Localization - Pg 174
      2. EKF Localization - Pg 178


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