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Run Mojo tests

5/11 Update: as Mojo and Max are now distributed in one package the main branch of BlazeSeq is functional and dependent on the tensorpackage from MAX

BlazeSeq is a performant and versatile FASTQ format parser that provide FASTQ parsing with fine-control knobs. It can be further utilized in several application as quality control tooling, kmer-generation, alignment ... etc.
It currently provides two main options: CoordParser a minimal-copy parser that can do limited validation of records similar to Rust's Needletail and RecordParser which is ~3X slower but also provides compile-time optional quality schema and ASCII validation of the records.

Note: BlazeSeq is a re-write of the earlier MojoFastTrim which can still be accessed from here.

Key Features

  • Zero-overhead control over parser validation guarantees through Mojo's compile time meta-programming.
  • Multiple parsing modes with progressive validation/performance compromise.
  • Parsing speed up to 5Gb/s from disk on modern hardware.
  • Different aggregation statistics modules (Length & Quality distribution, GC-content .. etc.)


BlazeSeq is always updated to the latest Mojo nightly on Ubuntu, Mac or WSL2 on windows as Mojo is moving forward quite fast.
You can get BlazeSeq source code as well as pre-compiled CLI tool from the releases page, you can clone and compile the repository yourself.

git clone [add repo]
cd [repo]
mojo build blazeseq/cli.mojo -o blazeseq_cli //CLI tool
mojo pkg blazeseq //mojo pkg

Getting started

Command line

blazeseq_cli [options] /path/to/file

Check blazeseq_cli --help for full list of options

Interactive usage

  • Basic usage
from blazeseq import RecordParser, CoordParser
fn main():
    alias validate_ascii = True
    alias validate_quality = True
    # Schema can be: generic, sanger, solexa, illumina_1.3, illumina_1.5, illumina_1.8
    var schema = "sanger"
    var parser = RecordParser[validate_ascii, validate_quality](path="path/to/your/file.fastq", schema)

   # Only validates read headers and Ids length matching, 3X faster on average.
   # parser = CoordParser(path="path/to/your/file.fastq") # Lazily get the next FASTQ record
    parser.parse_all() # Parse all records, fast error check.


  • Get total number of reads and base pairs (fast mode)
from blazeseq import CoordParser
fn main():
    var total_reads = 0
    var total_base_pairs = 0
    parser = CoordParser("path/to/your/file.fastq")
    while True:
            var read =
            total_reads += 1
            total_base_pairs += len(read)
            print(total_reads, total_base_pairs)

Lazy parse, collect record statistics. for now only works with RecordParser, the FullStats aggregator is the only one present (more options are under development).

from blazeseq import RecordParser, FullStats
fn main() raises:
    var parser = RecordParser(path="data/8_Swamp_S1B_MATK_2019_minq7.fastq")
    var stats = FullStats()
    while True:
            var record =


Disclaimer: Performance reporting is a tricky business on the best of days. Consider the following numbers as approximate of BlazeSeq single-core performance targets on modern hardware. It also serve as internal metrics to track improvements as BlazeSeq and Mojo evolve.
All code used in benchmarks are present in the benchmark directory of the repository. Download the datasets from the following links. Compile and run the benchmarking scripts as follow.


All tests were carried out on a personal PC with Intel core-i7 13700K processor, 32 GB of DDR6 memory equipped with 2TB Samsung 980 pro NVME hard drive and running Ubuntu 22.04 and Mojo 24.2. benchmarking scripts were compiled using the following command mojo build /path/to/file.mojo and run using hyperfine "<binary> /path/to/file.fastq" --warmup 2.


5 datasets with progressively bigger sizes and number of reads were used for benchmarking.


FASTQ parsing

reads CoordParser RecordParser (no validation) RecordParser
(quality schama validation)
RecordParser (complete validation)
40k 13.7 ± 5.0 ms 18.2 ± 4.7 ms 26.0 ± 4.9 ms 50.3 ± 6.3 ms
5.5M 244.8 ± 4.3 ms 696.9 ± 2.7 ms 935.8 ± 6.3 ms 1.441 ± 0.024 s
12.2M 669.4 ms ± 3.2 ms 1.671 ± 0.08 s 2.198 ± 0.014 s 3.428 ± 0.042 s
27.7M 1.247 ± 0.07 s 3.478 ± 0.08 s 3.92 ± 0.030 s 4.838 ± 0.034 s
169.8M 17.84 s ± 0.04 s 37.863 ± 0.237 s 40.430 ± 1.648 s 54.969 ± 0.232 s

Functional testing

A dataset of toy valid/invalid FASTQ files were used for testing. the dataset were obtained from the BioJava project. The same test dataset is used for the Biopython and BioPerl FASTQ parsers as well.


Some points of the following roadmap are tightly coupled with Mojo's evolution, as Mojo matures more options will be added.

  • parallel processing of Fastq files (requires stable concurrency model and concurrency primitives from Mojo)
  • Parsing over continuous (decompression , network) streams (requires Mojo implementation or binding to decompression and networking libraries).
  • Reporting output as JSON, HTML? Python inter-op for plotting?.
  • Comprehensive testing of basic aggregate statistics (GC Content, quality distribution per base pair, read-length distribution ... etc) vs Industry standards
  • Passing custom list of aggregator to the parser.


This project welcomes all contributions! Here are some ways if you are interested:

  • Bug reports: BlazeSeq is still new, bugs and rough-edges are expected. If you encounter any bugs, please create an issue.
  • Feature requests: If you have ideas for new features, feel free to create an issue or a pull request.
  • Code contributions: Pull requests that improve existing code or add new functionalities are welcome.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.