We are a passionate group of developer apprentices who met at our vocational college Technische Berufschule 1 in Bochum Germany, working together under the banner of MobDevOne. Our goal is to learn, innovate, and create exciting projects that showcase our skills and creativity.
At MobDevOne, we believe in the power of collaboration and continuous learning. Our team consists of talented individuals with diverse backgrounds, each apprentices from different companies, all brought together by our shared love for coding and technology. Whether it's building games, crafting web applications, or solving real-world problems, we're always up for the challenge.
Here are some of the projects we're currently working on:
Our latest project is the "Guess-The-Number" game, a fun and interactive number-guessing game designed to test your skills. Check out the repository for more details and feel free to contribute!
And here are some of our past projects:
The Air Quality Data Processing project involves collecting air quality data from sensors, processing it, and providing users with valuable information about temperature, humidity, and particle sizes in the air. Check out the repository for more details and feel free to contribute as well!
We welcome new members to join our organization and contribute to our projects. If you're interested in becoming a part of MobDevOne, follow these steps:
- Check out our current projects and find one that excites you.
- Fork the project repository to your own GitHub account.
- Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
- Make your contributions or add new features.
- Commit and push your changes to your forked repository.
- Create a Pull Request to the original project repository.
All projects under the MobDevOne organization are open-source and licensed under the MIT License.
Thank you for visiting MobDevOne! Together, we're shaping the future through code and creativity.