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General 32x32 enemy guidelines

Jay Garcia edited this page Aug 4, 2019 · 4 revisions

The following guidelines are for dungeon enemies that are 32x32 in size. Bosses will follow different rules.

  • Receives damage from player slashing only (traps, spikes, etc. do not inflict damage).
  • Unlike the hero enemies use their idle animation.
  • Enemies collide with tiles that are walls, traps, ledges and do not interact w/ them.
  • All enemies slashed by player will invoke it's damage animation.
  • All enemies have similar AI / animation processes:
    1. Spawn
    2. Decide on path of travel
    3. Travel N tiles in a single direction (N, S, E, W), based on its rules
    4. Stop.
      1. If hero is in line of sight or directly in front, strike hero.
      2. If here is not in line of sight, or directly in front, invoke idle animation. (This could taunt hero.)
    5. Go to step ii.
  • Travel speed of enemies will vary based on their physical dimensions.
  • Strike speed of enemies will vary based on the weight of their weapon & how much damage their weapons deal to the hero
  • Death animation is TBD. Will advise.

Spawn rules

  • All enemy placement is pre-determined by the map.
  • Enemies can re-spawn:
    1. After ~180 seconds
    2. If the player is not in their dungeon room. (No spawn animation).

Walking animation down

  • Animation sequence 8, 9, 10, 11



Walking animation right and left

(Right is the dominant pattern. Left is the mirror of right).

  • Animation sequence is 12, 13, 14, 15 and repeats.



Walking animation up

  • Animation sequence is 16, 17, 18, 19 and repeats

03-walking-up-chara_bat03-walking-up-chara_goblin_sniper03-walking-up-chara_goblin 03-walking-up-chara_orc

03-walking-up-chara_rat03-walking-up-chara_slime03-walking-up-chara_spider 03-walking-up-chara_troll

Attacking down

  • Animation sequence is 19, 16,17, 18



Attacking side

  • Left is mirror of right
  • Animation sequence is 27, 24, 25, 26

05-attack-right-chara_bat05-attack-right-chara_goblin_sniper05-attack-right-chara_goblin 05-attack-right-chara_orc


Attacking up

  • Animation sequence 31, 28, 29, 30

06-attack-up-chara_bat06-attack-up-chara_goblin_sniper 06-attack-up-chara_goblin06-attack-up-chara_orc

06-attack-up-chara_rat06-attack-up-chara_slime06-attack-up-chara_spider 06-attack-up-chara_troll

Damage down

  • Beginning frame is the same as the end, creating an "elastic" effect
  • Animation sequence: 35, 32, 33, 34, 35

07-damage-down-chara_bat07-damage-down-chara_goblin_sniper07-damage-down-chara_goblin 07-damage-down-chara_orc

07-damage-down-chara_rat 07-damage-down-chara_slime07-damage-down-chara_spider07-damage-down-chara_troll

Damage side

  • Beginning frame is the same as the end, creating an "elastic" effect
  • Animation sequence: 39, 36, 37, 38, 39


08-damage-side-chara_rat08-damage-side-chara_slime 08-damage-side-chara_spider08-damage-side-chara_troll

Damage up

  • Beginning frame is the same as the end, creating an "elastic" effect
  • Animation sequence: 43, 40, 41, 42, 43

09-damage-up-chara_bat09-damage-up-chara_goblin_sniper09-damage-up-chara_goblin 09-damage-up-chara_orc

09-damage-up-chara_rat 09-damage-up-chara_slime09-damage-up-chara_spider 09-damage-up-chara_troll