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Setting up LDK Game Dev environment (Linux only!)

Jay Garcia edited this page Sep 10, 2019 · 9 revisions

This document describes how to setup a development environment for the LDK Game.

NOTE: This procedure will only work for Linux-based computers due to the fact that the pre-compiled cross-compiler is built for Linux.


  • LDK Game with 2.1 Firmware installed
  • Linux (Ubuntu 18+, 19+, Arch)


Flash Compact 2.1 Firmware

  • Power off device
  • Extract Battery door & battery
  • Extract MicroSD Card and place in an SD Card reader
  • Determine which device is the SD Card
  • Download Compact firmware here.
  • Flash :
cd ~Downloads/
gzip -d RetroFW-Modus-compact.img.gz
sudo umount /dev/sd<DEVICE_LETTER>*
sudo dd status=progress if=RetroFW-Modus-compact.img of=/dev/sd<DEVICE_LETTER> bs=8M 

Setup Dev Environment

  • Create LDK Directory: mkdir ~/ldk
  • Download and unzip this file in ~/ldk:
  • Execute configuration script:
cd ~/ldk/mipsel-linux-uclibc/
cd -

All done!
