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LDK Game development notes

Jay Garcia edited this page Jan 8, 2020 · 5 revisions

Toolchain / cross-compilation

Creative Engine design considerations

With the merger of this PR, Creative Engine has Display, Controller and Audio classes broken out based on Device.

- DisplayBase
        ||----- DesktopDisplay <--------------------------\
        ||----- OroidDisplay <----------------------------|-< Display (gDisplay)
        ||----- NetworkedMatrixDisplay <-( future )-------/   
  • We'll likely need to follow the same pattern. For example (running on LDK Game):
- DisplayBase
        ||----- DesktopDisplay <--------------------------\
        ||----- OroidDisplay <----------------------------|
        ||----- LDKDisplay   <----------------------------|-< Display (gDisplay)
        ||----- NetworkedMatrixDisplay <-( future )-------/   

Key issues to solve for:

  • Classes for Audio, Display and Controller
  • Makefile conflicts (Odroid deprecated)
  • How to take a binary and push it via USB to the LDK Game's SD Card
  • Develop & Document toolchain for every developer
  • Test Genus and Modite Adventure