Crypto wallet users face significant challenges in securing their digital assets. The need for a decentralized and secure solution is paramount. Traditional wallets rely on client or server-side storage, which can be vulnerable to attacks.
XDCVault is the answer to these problems. It's a highly secure and cryptographically encrypted wallet that does not rely on client or server-side storage systems. XDCVault ensures the utmost security for user private keys and passwords. With XDCVault, users can securely send and receive crypto payments on the XDC network.
Key Features:
- Security: XDCVault employs advanced encryption algorithms, including PBKDF2, AES-GCM, and SHA-256, to protect user passwords and wallet private keys.
- Multiple Wallets: XDCVault supports multiple wallets, making it versatile for users with various crypto assets.
- User-Friendly: It offers functions like importing existing wallets, creating new wallets, and exporting wallet private keys securely.
- Face Recognition: A standout feature is the use of face recognition for user wallet creation, enhancing KYC.
XDCVault is built using modern and robust technologies:
- Next.js
- Headless UI
- Tailwind CSS
- Ethers.js
- TypeScript
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