semeter-fall-schdule An ASP.Net web application with some features and contraints to create a colleage schdule.
the more important rule, i follow in that project >> (fat Model skinny Controller), So i create MethodHandler class to provide the Controller with all methods it needs.
- choosing a course (to make a section).
- assign days & timings.
- assign professor based on the course (without exceeding teaching load or conflict the professor timings).
- assign classroom without conflict the classroom timings.
Some of those constraints get done by add to coloum to database like in Professors Table(Teachingload - Committo) if the Committo equal to TeachingLoad that professor doesn't show again etc... .
- ASP.Net
- .Net FrameWork 4.7.2
- bootstrap(ClientSide)
- jQuery(ClientSide)
- jQuery.Validation(ClientSide)
- Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
- Newtonsoft.Json
- Select.HtmlToPdf
- Cascading DropDown list According to Contraints.
- Bootstrap Fully Design.
- More dynamic webpage by Jquery.
- Convert and Download Table's webpage.
- Normlized Database with internal Procedures
- Repository design pattern with interface and Generic Behavioral Container.