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Neovim, Zed, VSCode and Wezterm config & keybindings



  • Just copy pasta the things you need to your settings or keymaps files 😉

Neovim Key Bindings

Click to expand
Category Key Bindings
Buffer Management
Close All Buffers <leader>ba
Close Buffer <leader>bc
Delete Buffer <leader>bd
Code Actions
Show Buffer Diagnostics <leader>cD
Available Code Action <leader>ca
Show Line Diagnostics <leader>cd
Close Other Tabs <leader>co
Smart Rename <leader>cr
Restart LSP <leader>cs
Change Word Under Cursor <leader>cw
Find Buffer <leader>fb
Colorscheme <leader>fc
Find File <leader>ff
LazyGit <leader>fg
Find Help <leader>fh
New File <leader>fn
Open Recent File <leader>fr
Live Grep <leader>fs
Find Todo <leader>ft
Go To
Go to Declaration <leader>gD
Show LSP References <leader>gR
Show LSP Definitions <leader>gd
Go to Implementation <leader>gi
Show Git Hunk <leader>gp
Show LSP Type Definitions <leader>gt
Window Split
Resize Split <leader>se
Split Horizontally <leader>sh
Set Spell <leader>ss
Split Vertically <leader>sv
Close Split <leader>sx
General Keymaps
Exit Insert Mode jk
Fast Save <leader>w
Move Lines Up/Down (Visual) J/K
Switch to Next Buffer <S-l>
Switch to Previous Buffer <S-h>
Toggle File Explorer <leader>e

Zed Key Bindings

Click to expand
Category Key Bindings
General Key Bindings
Exit Insert Mode jk
New Search space f s
Toggle Hunk Diff space g p
Toggle Inlay Hints space t i
Toggle Zen Mode space z
Open Markdown Preview space m p
Open Markdown Preview to the Side space m P
Search Word Under Cursor space s w
LSP Actions
Toggle Code Actions space c a
Rename space c r
Go to Definition g d
Go to Definition (Split) g D
Go to Implementation g i
Go to Implementation (Split) g I
Go to Type Definition g t
Go to Type Definition (Split) g T
Find All References g r
Go to Next Diagnostic ] d
Go to Previous Diagnostic [ d
Symbol Search space s s
Project Symbols Search space s S
Go to Next Hunk ] h
Go to Previous Hunk [ h
Buffers and Workspace
Switch to Previous Buffer shift-h
Switch to Next Buffer shift-l
Close Active Item space b d
Close Inactive Items space c o
Save File space w
Toggle File Finder space f f
Toggle Left Dock space e
File Panel
New File a
Rename File r
Delete File d
Cut File x
Copy File c
Paste File p

VSCode Vim Key Bindings

Click to expand

Normal Mode Key Bindings

Description Key Bindings
Peek Definition gpd
Go to Implementations gi
Peek Implementations gpi
Go to References gr
Go to Type Definition gt
Peek Type Definition gpt
Open file tree <leader>e
Move to the previous tab <S-h>
Move to the next tab <S-l>
Vertical split leader s v
Horizontal split leader s h
Change focus leader h, leader j, leader k, leader l
Save leader w
Close tab leader b d
Close other tabs leader c o
Quick fix <leader>c a
Search project files leader f f
Format file leader p
Hover <S-k>

Visual Mode Key Bindings

Description Key Bindings
Move selected lines J
Move selected lines K
Select match tags in visual mode S-5

Vim Insert Mode Key Bindings

Description Key Bindings
Return to normal mode jk

Other Key Bindings

Description Key Bindings
Toggle Sidebar Visibility space e
New File a
Rename File r
Delete File d
Cut x
Copy y
Paste p
Collapse Explorer Folders shift+w
Move to parent folder shift+p
Toggle Terminal ctrl+shift+j
New Terminal ctrl+shift+n
Focus Next Terminal ctrl+shift+a
Focus Previous Terminal ctrl+shift+b
Down Motion ctrl+j
Up Motion ctrl+k
Show Context Menu (Editor) ctrl+o
Toggle Zen Mode ctrl+z
Toggle Panel (Negative) ctrl+j
New Untitled File (Negative) ctrl+n