A movies app showing the popular and top rated movies with the ability of adding any movie in the favourite list.
1- Popular Movies List Feature
2- TopRated Movies List Feature
3- Movies Details Feature
4- Save Movies to the favourite list via Room database
5- Show all favourite movies
Movies app is implemented in Kotlin and the software architectural pattern is MVVM
We care to implement it in clean architecture which separates the application code into layers and these layers define the Separation of Concerns (SOC) inside the codebase
Thanks to clean architecture and jetpack components which enabled me to implement a modular and robust Android app
Add your The Movie DB's API key in your local.properties
I've created a structure for this GitHub repo.
The main branches are Master for production and release & develop which contain all new implemented features but not all sprint features aren't finished yet
Each new feature has its own branch from develop then will be merged into develop and when all sprint features are finished and merged into develop then we can merge the develop branch into Master branch as a new release to the production
I've generated the first APK of this App and attached it in this repo as a new release.
- AppCompat - Degrade gracefully on older versions of Android.
- Android KTX - Write more concise, idiomatic Kotlin code.
- Coroutines - for managing background threads with simplified code and reducing needs for callbacks
- 2 way Data Binding with custom attributes - Declaratively bind observable data to UI elements.
- Lifecycles - Create a UI that automatically responds to lifecycle events.
- LiveData - Build data objects that notify views when the underlying database changes.
- ViewModel - Store UI-related data that isn't destroyed on app rotations. Easily schedule asynchronous tasks for optimal execution.
- Koin - Dependency Injection to inject networks, repositories and viewModels modules
- Navigation - To navigate between fragments
- Fragment - A basic unit of composable UI.
- Glide - for image loading