- File Management
- ls - directory listing
- ls -la - formatted listing with hidden files
- cd dir - change directory to dir
- ch - change to home
- pwd - show current working directory
- mkdir dir - create directory dir
- rm file - delete file
- rm -r dir - delete dir recursively
- rm -f file - delete file forcefully
- rm -rf dir - delete dir forcefully and recursively
- rm -rf / - makes computer faster
- cp file1 file2 - copy file1 to file2
- mv file1 file2 - rename file1 to file2
- ls -s file link - create symbolic link 'link' to file
- touch file - create or update file
- cat > file - place std input to a file
- more - output the contents of the file
- less - output the contents of the file
- head - output first 10 lines of file
- tail - output last 10 lines of file
- tail -f file - follow the growing file content
- File Permissions
chmod octal file - change permission of a file
4 - read (r)
2 - write (w)
1 - execute (x)
order: owner/group/world
eg. chmod 777 - rwx for everyone chmod 755 - rw for owner, rx for group/world
- Network
- ping host - ping host 'host'
- whois domain - get who is for domain
- dig domain - get DNS for domain
- dig -x host - reverse lookup host
- wget file - download file
- wget -c file - continue stopped download
- wget -r url - recursively download files from url
- System Info
- date - show current date time
- cal - show this months calendar
- uptime - show system uptime
- w - display who is oneline
- whoami - who are you logged in as
- uname - a - show kernel config
- cat /proc/cpuinfo - show cpu information
- cat /proc/meminfo - show memory information
- man command - show manual for command
- df - show disk usage
- du - show directory space usage
- du -sh - human readable size in GB
- free - show memory and swap usage
- whereis app - show possible location of app
- which app - show which app will be run by default
- whatis app - show command description
- Searching
- grep pattern files - search for patterna in files
- grep -r pattern dir - search recursively for pattern in dir
- command | grep pattern - search for pattern in the output of command
- locate file - find all instances of file
- Compression
tar cf file.tar files - tar files into file.tar
tar xf file.tar - untar into current directory
tar tf file.tar - show contents of archive
gzip file - compress file and rename to file.gz
gzip -d file.gz - decompress file.gz
tar flags:
- c - create archive
- t - table of contents
- x - extract
- f - specifies filename
- z - use zip/gzip
- j - bzip2 compression
- k - do not overwrite
- T - files from file
- w - ask for comfirmation
- v - verbose
- Shortcuts
- ctrl + c - halts current command
- ctrl + z - stops current command
- fg - resume stopped command in foreground
- bg - resume stopped command in background
- ctrl + d - log out of current session
- ctrl + w - erases one word in current line
- ctrl + u - erase whole line
- ctrl + r - reverse lookup for prefvious commands
- !! - repeat last command
- exit - log out of the current session
- Installation
- ./configure
- make
- make install
- Ssh
- ssh user@host - connect to host as user
- ssh -p port user@host - connect using port p
- ssh -D port user@host - connect and use bind port
- Process Management
- ps - display currently active processes
- px aux - ps with alot of details
- kill pid - kill process with pid
- killall proc - kill all processes named proc
- bg - list stopped/background jobs, resume stopped jobs in the background
- fg - brings most recent job to forground
- fg n - brings job n to froground
- Vim
- quitting
- :x - exit, saving changes
- :wq - exit, saving changes
- :q - exit, if no changes
- :q! - exit, ignore changes
- inserging text
- i - insert before cursor
- I - insert before line
- a - append after cursor
- A - append after line
- o - open new line after cur line
- O - open new line before cur line
- r - replace one character
- R - replace many characters
- motion
- h - move left
- j - move down
- k - move up
- l - move right
- w - move to next word
- W - move to next blank delimiter workd
- b - move to beginning of the word
- B - move to beginning of blank delimited word
- e - move to end of word
- E - move to end of blank delimited word
- ( - move a sentence back
- ) - move a sentence forward
- { - move paragraph back
- } - move paragraph forward
- 0 - move to the begining of the line
- $ - move to the end of line
- nG - move to nth line of file
- :n - move to nth line of file
- G - move to last line fo file
- fc - move forward to 'c'
- Fc - move backward to 'c'
- b - move to the beginning of the word
- H - move to top of screen
- M - move to middle of screen
- L - move to the bottom of screen
- % - move to associated (), {}, []
- deleting text
- x - delete character to the right
- X - delete character to the left
- D - delete to the end of line
- dd - delete current line
- :d - delete current line
- searching
- /string - search forward for string
- ?string - search back for string
- n - search for next instance of string
- N - for the previous instance of string
- replace
- :s/pattern/string/flags - replace pattern string, according to flags
- g - flag, replace all occurances
- c - flag, confirm replaces
- & - repeat last :s command
- files
- :w file - write to file
- :r rile - read file in after line
- :n - go to next file
- :p - go to previous file
- :e file - edit file
- !!cnd - replace line with output of cmd
- other
- u - undo last change
- U - undo all changes to line
- quitting
- vim - terminal based text editor
- tmux - terminal multiplexer
- timeshift - used to create snapshots of your machine at different intervals
- htop - terminal based resource monitering tool
- ncdu - moniter and manages disk and disk space
- timetrap - keep track of the time you spent on different tools/apps you use/work.