Hi there, I'm [Mohammed Ahmed Hafez] 👋
Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a passionate front-end developer with a focus on creating dynamic and user-friendly web applications.
About Me:
Name: [Mohammed Ahmed Hafez]
Profession: Front-End Developer
Experience: 2 years
Technologies: React.js, Next.js, JavaScript, Typescript, HTML, CSS, Tailwind.css, jest, bug, gulp, bootstrap, Git, Sass
My Skills:
React.js: Experienced in building reusable components, managing state with hooks, and optimizing performance.
Next.js: Skilled in server-side rendering, static site generation.
JavaScript: Proficient in ES6+ features, asynchronous programming, and using modern libraries and frameworks.
HTML & CSS: Strong foundation in creating responsive layouts and ensuring cross-browser compatibility.
My Portfolio:
Get in Touch:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohammed-hafez-529b90285/
Email: mohammedhafez45787@gmail.com