To maintain the attendance record with day to day activities is a challenging task. The conventional method of calling name of each student is time consuming and there is always a chance of proxy attendance. The following system is based on face recognition to maintain the attendance record of students. The daily attendance of students is recorded subject wise which is stored already by the administrator. As the time for corresponding subject arrives the system automatically starts taking snaps and then apply face detection and recognition technique to the given image and the recognize students are marked as present and their attendance update with corresponding time and subject id. We have used deep learning techniques to develop this system, histogram of oriented gradient method is used to detect faces in images and deep learning method is used to compute and compare feature facial of students to recognize them. Our system is capable to identify multiple faces in real time.
Smart attendance management system is designed to solve the issues of existing manual systems. We have used face recognition concept to mark the attendance of student and make the system better. The system performs satisfactory in different poses and variations. In future this system need be improved because these system sometimes fails to recognize students from some distance, also we have some processing limitation, working with a system of high processing may result even better performance of this system.