The AllInOne - Pre-Processing is an open-Source, R-Shiny user interface package designed to provide a broad range of pre-processing analysis features for phenotypic datasets. This app uses different R packages, such as mice, VIM, lme4, bestNormalize, etc., to enable plant scientists to use all the mentioned packages simultaneously in an interactive environment. Furthermore, it allows plant scientists to edit, organize, subset, and sort datasets in a live mode.
If you enjoy working with AllInOne - Pre-Processing, give us a star on GitHub and Cite the package, please :)
Here is the AllInOne - Pre-Processing research paper.
Just click HERE.
Required: R version 4.0.0 or later
Required: Rstudio
Required: golem R package version 0.3.4 or later:
Required: shinydashboard R package version 0.7.2 or later
Required: shinydisconnect R package version 0.1.0 or later
Required: shinyjs R package version 2.1.0 or later
Required: SpATS R package version 1.0-16 or later
Required: remotes R package
You can install the AllInOne - Pre-Processing using its source on your system like so:
remotes::install_local('path/to/AllInOne-Pre-Processing/', force = TRUE)
You can install the AllInOne - Pre-Processing from GitHub like so:
You can run the application by just running app.R
without installing the package.
Let us know :)
Soybean Breeding & Computational Biology
Department of Plant Agriculture
University of Guelph