Keep a headless Linux computer connected as your network environment changes
- TODO Enable disable apache2
- TODO Encrypted psk before storing
- TODO Add some data validation to SSID and PSK
- TODO Auto redirect
- TODO Make it look nice
- TODO add script to cron time?
- TODO change wifi password
- Automated build
- TODO Python handle none type exception when no input is passed
- TODO find solution for safer file permissions where www-data writes the sid and psk
- TODO Add to run the script on a timer
- TODO Change IP to for easy access (Also change dhcp)
- TODO ADD option to add network, remove network, overwrite network
The idea is that if your device is unable to connect to wifi, it will broadcast it's own ssid, run a websever, allow you to add new wifi creds then be connected again. Never having to use a terminal or plug into router.