Linker is an attempt at making it easier to work with leiningen sub projects
When a clojure application is comprised of many Leiningen sub projects, it becomes increasingly difficult to navigate around a code base. Instead of having a single tree of code, now there are multiple roots. In an environment like emacs, this means constantly navigating back to a top level, before descending back down into project-b/src/foo/bar/baz.clj.
Linker is a (very experimental) solution to ease that problem. Linker takes a list of sub projects, and creates a super project that symlinks to all source files in the sub projects.
Linker is a cheap solution that does just enough to make navigating between sub projects easier. Some drawbacks include:
- new files are not automatically added to your super project (maybe coming soon)
- new projects are not automatically added to your super project
- symlinks can cause issues with some IDEs
- It does not address versioning concerns (lein-voom is quite good for this)
Usually an application with sub projects will have a top level directory that all sub projects are under. This is usually the best placed to put your spec file. However there is no restriction.
Now that your new project is created, open the super project in the IDE of your choice. All your source files are under a single /src and the new project.clj has all the information required to start a repl. Now if you jump to another project's function definition in your IDE, instead of taking you to the file inside the jar file, it will take you to the symlink file. So any edits will be made back to the original file.
When you create a new file, you need to add it to the original project's source directory, and re-run linker. In future, it would make sense to add a watcher to the sub project root directories so that a background linker could automatically add the new symlinks
Whenever you create a new project, you will need to update your spec file to include the new project, then you'll need to rerun linker. If your new project includes new dependencies, you will need to restart your super project's repl
Nothing new here. Make changes in the super project, and commit your changes in the original projects
Linker is just a clojure project that can be required, or run from the command line. It takes one argument, a map that includes all information required to generate the super project. This is known as a spec. For a fully documented spec, see the sample spec file.
Linker takes the spec file, and uses it perform 2 actions
Generate super project.clj
Linker produces a new Leiningen project.clj at the root of the super
project that is a merge of all sub project.cljs. For now, this means
taking all the :dependencies
in the default and :dev
profiles and
concatenating them all together into one list. If more than one
version of a dependency is present in different projects, the one with
the highest version will win.
Symlink project source files
Linker then descends into each sub project, and creates a symbolic link from the new super project to the sub project. In this way a file tree is built under a single /src directory.
To run from the command line, cd into the linker project and run
lein run spec.edn
The new project will be created in (:out-dir spec)
There is an example project in the examples
directory. It describes
two sub projects project-a
and project-b
. When we run lein run examples/linker.edn
it will produce a new super project in
. Give it a whirl
These alternatives don't address navigation. Projects are still stored in separate directories. However they do solve the "jump to your source file, not your jar" problem
- Leiningen Checkouts
- lein-voom
- Git submodules (good luck)
Copyright © 2015 Anthony Marcar
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0