metacritic game review analyze project
- Recommendation system
- Sentiment Analysis
score base recommendation system
Surprise, Mongodb, Flask, Scrapy
Receive the user score of game
- score : 0 - 10
- random pick the game
- which had been scored at least 30 users
Insert user score on data base
Train model (SVD)
- data size ~ 100k
Recommend the 6 highest expected score game
- which had not been scored by user
- receive multiple scores (done)
- make loading page (done)
- make it OOP
review base sentiment prediction
Scikit-learn, sqlite, Flask, Scrapy
- Train model by scraped data
- SGD classifier(logistic regression)
- data size ~100k
- Receive user comment
- Predict label
- positive or negative
- Receive feedback from user
- collect or incorrect
- Insert user comment with feedback on data base
- update model with new data
- partial_fit
- try other model
- try multiple label (sentiment)
- combine with recommendation system