I'm Moritz, a senior software developer with a main forcus on Java, currently working at OpenValue. I am passionate about finding the right solution for specific problems and learning on the path there and dedicated to developing solutions that matter, always keeping the business in mind. I'm into riding motorcycles 🏍️ , practicing brazilian jiu jitsu 🥋 and love being active and meeting new people!
- (ongoing) master program in Business Law @ HFH
- master's degree in Informatics (Wirtschaftsinformatik) from University of Duisburg-Essen
- studied abroad for a semester at Högskolan i Borås in sweden.
- bachelor's degree in Informatics (Wirtschaftsinformatik) from University of Duisburg-Essen
- certified software developer (IHK Fachinformatiker Anwendungsentwicklung)