Cross-platform runtime environment course (CPREC)
Maven project with thread, interfaces, class inheritances and implementations, and GSON serializations
Gradle project with 4 tasks.
- Diagramm implementation
- Saving client info to JSON file. All info about client typed throuhg CLI
- Extending LeasingOfferService functionality -> add search by fields.
- Reading all Stuff information from CSV file and presenting some statistics from it.
Same as CW3Java but in Kotlin lang
Maven project with Retrofit 1. Application request currency exchange
Spring project (Maven). DB: PostgreSQL
Spring project (Maven). DB: H2 DB
Spring project (Maven). DB: H2 DB. With controller demonstartion.
Maven project. TDD (Test Driven Development) example.
Android application. Mobile client to CW6Server.
Spring project (Gradle). DB: PostgreSQL. REST service. CASE-application: Visual Paradigm (documentation).
Gradle (Kotlin DSL) project. Kotlin introduction.
Class diagramm implementation. Java and Kotlin.
Stuff.csv - data for CW3