Originally from Berlin, Germany, I moved to France in 2005 to work at Blizzard Entertainment as a Customer Support Representative. I spent 16 years working for the company, until they closed the office in France in 2021.
When the office closed, I was given the opportunity to spend time to pursue further education and career development.
Eager to expand my horizons, I took advantage of the situation and started to learn immediately, first with some free online resources, such as CS50, followed by completing a Higher Education Certificate in Software Engineering at a German long distance college, the Wilhelm Buechner Hochschule. Subsequently, I dedicated my efforts to specialized training in web development through an intensive Web Development Bootcamp at Ironhack.
These are some of the projects I have been working on during my journey so far:
Witchhunt Client Server Witchhunt is a multiplayer online game implemented using a React frontend, a backend realized with Express, the two being connected via Socket.IO to allow for a real time experience. This was the final project of my Ironhack bootcamp and won the Award for best Web Dev project of our cohort at the Ironhack Paris Hackshow March 2023.
RobotRacing Robot Racing is a single player board game, realized in HTML and vanilla JavaScript. This was my first project during the Ironhack bootcamp.
Bilderbuch (Picturebook) Bilderbuch is a web app realized with a Python backend, using the Django framework. The frontend interactivity is realized with mostly vanilla JavaScript. This app was a project developed during my studies at the Wilhelm Buechner Hochschule.
Budgeteer Budgeteer is a Budget tracking web app realized in React (class based) for the frontend, and Python/Django in the backend. This was the Capstone project for one of my first web development courses, CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript, and my first experience using React.