Harvard's CS50: Introduction to Computer Science 2020 - solutions to every pset plus final project web track.
You can find the materials for the course here or look at the assignments specifications linked at right of every section in the table of contents.
The code uploaded here should be considered as a cross reference for your solution or to take an idea of how others approched the same problem. please, do not copy and pase the code mindlessly as this is considered as a violation of the Academic Honesty policy of the course.
- Problem Set 1: C - Assignments 1
- Problem Set 2: Crypto - Assignments 2
- Problem Set3: Elections - Assignments 3
- Problem Set 4: Forensics - Assignments 4
- Problem Set 5: Speller - Speller assignment
- Problem Set 6: Python - Assignments 6
- Problem Set 7: SQL - Assignments 7
- Problem Set 8: Web - Web Tracks
- Final Project: Snyeei
- A web application for a home services company that gathers workers looking for jobs and clients looking for highly skilled workers in one place. Visit Snyeei to try it out yourself!