C++ specialization which consists 5 courses, where each course 5 weeks length and has a final project. Each final project will be the separate folder, tasks for each course will be inside the Course_(number) folder and presented as W(week number)_T(task number).
Introduction to the C++ language and lot of tasks with using of basic attributes like vectors, maps, sets, classes, structs, algorithms, exceptions, threads, etc.
- Week 1 - Introduction to the Cpp, Conditions, Loops, Compilation and Tests.
- Week 2 - Functions, Vectors, Maps, Sets.
- Week 3 - Algorithms, Structs & Classes, Constructors & Destructors, Constant variables and lifecycle of elements.
- Week 4 - Threads, Exceptions, Overriding.
- Week 5 - Final task.
Continue of the first course, more about classes, algorithms and intro to pointers and templates.
- Week 1 - Templates, typles, pairs.
- Week 2 - Unit testings and unit tests framework creating.
- Week 3 - Headers and project structuring.
- Week 4 - Iterators, pointers, algorithms, queue and dequeue.
- Week 4 - Inheritance and polymorphism.
- Week 6 - Final task.
Continue of the first two courses.
- Week 1 - Macro and class templates.
- Week 2 - Code optimization, algorithm complexity and input/outputs.
- Week 3 - Memory.
- Week 4 - Containers.
- Week 4 - Move semantics and basic multithreading.
- Week 6 - Final task.
Install on vscode glsl-canvas
, install from github glslViewer
brew install glslViewer
For running glsl-canvas type cmd-shift-P and enter Show glslCanvas
Open GL projects.