This is a template for creating an e-store.
It has login and registration forms as well as main page of the store.
There are controllers for working with items, users, orders and buckets:
Inject - for injection mock data,
Registration - for registering new users,
Login - for user authentication and authorization,
Users - for displaying and manipulating users, which was registered(such as deleting). Available for an ADMIN only,
Items - for manipulating items in stock(such as creating or deleting specify item),
Bucket - for displaying and manipulating items in user’s bucket. Available for common USER only,
Orders - for displaying user’s order history. Available for a common USER only,
Logout - for logging out.
- Java 11
- Maven 4.0.0
- javax.servlet 3.1.0
- jstl 1.2
- log4j 1.2.17
- maven-checkstyle-plugin
Open the project in your IDE.
Add it as maven project.
- add artifact;
- add sdk 11.0.3 or later
Add sdk 11.0.3 in project struсture.
Initialize data base copying code from init_db.sql, which located in project_name/src/main/resources/init_db.sql
At class use username and password for your DB to create a Connection.
Change a path in It has to reach your logFile.
fill up database with items, users and everything you need....
Run the project.