Songbird is a web app that pulls api data from music streaming websites in order to create a customised music discovery. This app was created as a prototype for my Software Development (ISAT 340) class at James Madison University. The goal for this class was to walk us through the software development process from problem statements and mockups to a working protoype.
We chose electron for its incredible cross-platform abilities as well as the fact that our team was knowledgeable in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
To clone and run this repository you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd songbird-electron
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run the app
npm start
Note: If you're using Linux Bash for Windows, see this guide or use node
from the command prompt.
- - all of Electron's documentation
- - sample starter apps created by the community
- electron/electron-quick-start - a very basic starter Electron app
- electron/simple-samples - small applications with ideas for taking them further
- electron/electron-api-demos - an Electron app that teaches you how to use Electron
- hokein/electron-sample-apps - small demo apps for the various Electron APIs