A lightweight framework for running ETL analyses in Spark.
spark-etl let's you define EtlDefinitions, group them in a collection, and provides helper methods to run the etls via jobs.
An ETL starts with a DataFrame, runs a series of transformations (filter, custom transformations, repartition), and writes out data.
spark-etl is generic and can be molded to suit all ETL situations. For example, it can read a CSV file from S3, run transformations, and write out Parquet files on your local filesystem.
This snippet creates a DataFrame and writes it out as a CSV file in your local filesystem.
val sourceDF = spark.createDF(
("bob", 14),
("liz", 20)
), List(
("name", StringType, true),
("age", IntegerType, true)
def someTransform()(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
df.withColumn("cool", lit("dude"))
def someWriter()(df: DataFrame): Unit = {
val path = new java.io.File("./tmp/example").getCanonicalPath
val etlDefinition = new EtlDefinition(
name = "example",
sourceDF = sourceDF,
transform = someTransform(),
write = someWriter(),
hidden = false
In production applications, it's more likely that you'll use Spark DataFrame readers to create the sourceDF
(e.g. spark.read.parquet("some_s3_path")
You can define a collection of ETL definitions in a Databricks notebook and create a Slack command that runs an EtlDefinition on command from Slack.