Welcome to Jimbot! Jimbot is a virtual assistant for your computer. It can do many things, like open an application, run a command, type with your voice, search things on google, and much more.
-Raspberry pi OS
-Chrome OS
*It should work on all linux based operating systems
*Other operatings systems should work, but have not been tested Download this file and execute it.
Or run this command:
wget https://github.com/Mrpi314tech/Jimbot/releases/download/v1.4.0/Install.sh
chmod +x Install.sh
Get an API Key from OpenAI.
Presss the icon in the lower right corner
Example: typing "@ hello" is the equivalent of saying "hello" to Jimbot Jimbot does not have a very complex AI, as he is mainly there to assist you. How the AI works is modeled after human emotion. There is 6 numbers that determine Jimbot's mood. 1 and 4 are happy, 2 is chatty, 3 is neutral, 5 is angry, and 6 is serious. For each keyword in his system, a set of numbers is assigned. For example, if you say "Hello," the numbers 1,2,3 and 4 are assigned. A number is then randomly selected. Say 2, the chatty mood is selected. He will then give a third reply to your input that will encourage you to respond. As your next response, you say "How are you?" The set is 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4. There is now a higher likelyhood that he is happy. Also, because his mood from last time was 2, it will be added to the set, so the real set is 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4. Then the conversation continues on. There are two numbers left, 5 and 6. 6 is very simple. If you give a command, such as "Google search," then 6 will be added. Whenever the program detects a 6, it will cancel all 2 values in the list. 5 is also simple. When 5 is selected and becomes the mood, Jimbot will become angry. Now, when you give input, you will be locked in a seperate function that gives blunt responses and does not do any of your commands. For example, if you say "Open VLC media player," he will respond with "I'm still mad." The only way to get out of this loop is to apologize by saying "I'm sorry" or "Please forgive me."