A discord bot that queries various APIs in response to the commands described here.
Create a .env file that holds all of your API keys. You will need these keys, formatted like so --
Finds and posts a random gif from giphy.
Uses a Pokemon API to find and post information about a pokemon.
Queries the icanhazdadjoke or official-joke-api API to post a joke to the chat.
Finds a sticker from giphy.
Searches for upcoming concerts and posts them.
Posts information about a movie.
Gets a catfact from the Cat Fact API!
Gets an insult from the Evil Insult Generator.
Retrieves an advice slip from the Advice Slip API. If a topic is provided, then it will search for advice based on that topic.
For example: !advice friends
Queries lorem picsum and unsplash to send a pleasant, random 500 x 300 pixel photo to the chat.
Without parameters, it will provide global statistics for the Covid-19 pandemic.
With a 2-letter country code passed in, it will provide stats for that country.