#PTE Bot (Alpha)
Reviewing is boring and sometimes the queue of string to approve can be very long.
Go to ptebot.mte90.net and insert your email to receive a random plugin 1, 2 or 3 times a week that need an approval of the strings.
##How Works
Every day check the frequency for every PTE subscribed and pick a random plugin what have strings not approved.
Actually do a scraping from the HTML because GlotPress don't have a REST API so this pick 1 plugin from a list of 20 plugins.
- Create in the backend the language supported as category with the slug used on wordpress.org
- Use the shortcode [ptebot-signup] to show the registration form
- Choose how to manage the emails with the WP Cron
#New language
The system it is on my hosting so I want avoid an huge number of emails, so I can add languages only by request in this repo with a ticket.
I hope for an external system to move when this will be avalaible for all the community.