News Highlight is a web application that fetches information using the NEWS-API and allows users to access the currents events that are happening around the world from different sources.
News Highlights created on. 07/04/2018
By Levi Mugala
Moringa School
News Highlights: a web application that enables users to search news and be updated with what is going on around the globe.
Anyone can get to the News Highlight web application's landing page search for any news article from different sources... Users can also be able to:-
- See various news sources and select the ones they prefer
- See all the news articles from that news source
- Navigate to the headline that making the news given the categories in the home page
- See the image description and time the news article was created.
- Search for specific topics and get news relating to the search term
- Click on an article and read it fully from the news source.
Setup/Installation Requirements There are no installation requirements needed... with your web browser you can be able to access the site.
Known Bugs There is a small issue that will be fixed in the coming days... .
Technologies Used The game was build using Python programming language mainly with:
flask:: Python framework...
bootstrap implemented to style parts of the Web page. All this were built on
In the event that you run into an issue that you need sorted or clarified, feel free to reach out to me and I should be able to reply within two working days. Also feel free to make contribution to the code and to improve the application.
MIT Copyright (c) 2018 Levi Mugala and Moringa School