An API for an appointment booking platform built with Ruby on Rails.
- Ruby on Rails v6.0.3.4
- Devise
- PostgreSQL
Method | End point | Public | Action |
POST | sign_up | True | Register a new user |
POST | sign_in | True | Login a registered user |
DELETE | log_out | False | Logout a user |
POST | doctors | False | Admin creates doctors |
PATCH | doctors/:id | False | Admin edits doctor's details |
DELETE | doctors/:id | False | Admin deletes doctor's details |
GET | doctors | False | Fetch all doctors |
GET | doctors/:id | False | Fetch a specific doctor |
POST | appointments | False | Book an appointment |
GET | appointments | False | Fetch appointments for a specific user |
GET | appointments | False | Admin fetches all appointments |
To get a copy up and running follow these simple example steps:-
- Clone
to your local machine. - Run
bundle install
to install dependancies. - Run
rails s
to to run the application in development mode. - Use postman to test the endpoints.
bundle exec rspec
👤 Mupa M'mbetsa Nzaphila
- Github: @mupa1
- Twitter: @mupa_mmbetsa
- Linkedin: mupa-mmbetsa
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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