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📝Linear Algebra

Topic Guide + Video Link
📙 Matrix Updating ...
📙 Matrix types Updating ...
📙 Matrices Opearions Updating ...
📙 Matrix reduction to Diagonal Form Updating ...
📙 Matrix Products (Scalar & Vector) Updating ...
📙 Gauss elimination Updating ...
📙 Determinants Updating ...
📙 Tensor Updating ...
📙 Implementing Vectorization in Python Updating ...
📙 Eigen Values & Eigen Vectors Updating ...
📙 Types of Distance Based Metrics Link
📙 Euclidean Distance Updating ...
📙 Manhattan Distance Updating ...


Topic Guide + Video Link
📙 Statistics Inroduction Updating ...
📙 Descriptive Statistics Updating ...
📙 Variance & Standard Deviation Updating ...
📙 Skewness & Kurtosis Updating ...
📙 Measure of Central Tendency (Categorical Data ) Updating ...
📙 Measure of Central Tendency (Numerical Data) Updating ...
📙 Hypothesis Testing Updating ...

Intension of analysis.png

🔖Framework to Select Statistical Test


Statistics Understant these Basics(will update)
📙 Descriptive Statistics * Measure of Frequency and Central Tendency
* Measure of Dispersion
* Probability Distribution
* Gaussian Normal Distribution
* Skewness and Kurtosis
* Continuous and Discrete Functions
* Goodness of Fit
* Normality Test
📙 Inferential Statistics * t-Test & it's Types
* z-Test
* Hypothesis Testing
* Typr-I & Type-II Error
* One way ANOVA
* Two way ANOVA
* Chi-Square Test
Statistical Test's for Data Science in Python Link


Topic Guide + Video Link
📙 About Probability Updating ...
📙 About Random Variables Updating ...
📙 Random Variable (Discrete Vs. Continuous) Updating ...
📙 Random Variable (Independent & Identically Distributed) Updating ...
📙 Binomial Random Variable Updating ...
📙 P&C Updating ...
📙 Bayesian Estimation Updating ...
📙 Bernoulli Trials Updating ...
📙 Poisson Distribution Updating ...
📙 PDF Updating ...
📙 CDF Updating ...

🐍0 to Python

Pyton Guide + Video Link
Python for Data Science in 4hours Private YT Playlist + Guide
📙 Python - Guide & Playlist YT Playlist + Guide
📙 Python - Patterns Practice YT Private Playlist
📙 Python - Functions & OOP's YT Private Playlist
📙 Learn Python the Applied Way YT Playlist + Notebook
📙 Python Project Outline Private Code
Pyton Challenges Guide + Video Link
Control Flow - Practice if/elif/else Statements Practice Questions - working on it
Loops - Practice while/for loops Practice Questions - working on it
Functions - Practice functions Practice Questions - working on it
Lists - Practice Lists Practice Questions - working on it

🐍🐍Python to Expert

Pyton Guide + Video Link
📙 Algorithms - LeetCode Crux Private Link
📙 Python - Data Structure and Algorithm Foundation Private Link
📙 Python - Data Structure & TimeComplexities Crux Private Link
📙 Asymptotic Notations [Big-O,Omega,Theta] Crux Private Link
📙 Python Data Structure - Array,Strings Private
📙 Python Coding Interview Questions Private
📙 Python Quick Revision Private
📙 Python Interview Questions Private
📙 Python-RevisionQuestions Private

🧩Data Analysis

chart_selection.png chart_selection1.png

Data Analysis Code + Blog Link
📙 Mapping Business Problem into Data Science Problem Private Link
📙 Answer to --> How to Perform EDA Private Link
📙 Evaluation Metrics (Supervised Learning) Private Link

🤖Machine Learning

Imbalanced Binary Classification Metrices Guide

imbalance_metrices.png sampling_techniques.png

Machine Learning Code Blog - Video Link
📙 Machine Learning Life Cycle Private Link
📙 Simple to understand ML framework Link
📙 Problem Solving[Mapping Business Problem to Data Science Problem] Private Link
📙 First Classificaton + Regression Models - How to?? When to?? of Modeling Private Link
📙 Logistic Regression Derivation(Probabilistic,Geometric,Loss Interpretations) Private Link
📙 Linear Regression derivation Private Link
📙 Linear Regression Hypothesis + interview questions Link
📙 Linear Regression implementing Cost Function Link
📙 Multiple Linear Regression (Basic) Link
📙 Polynomial Regression (Basic) Link
📙 Advance Linear Regression + GridSearchCV + HyperParameterTuning(Basic) Link
📙 K-NN Deriving Private Link
📙 k-NN Algorithm-1 (Basic) Link
📙 k-NN Algorithm-2 (Basic) Link
📙 Propose Saving Options for for India based Poultry Farm having spending of appx 22 billion Link+KPI's
📙 Mastering Dimensionality Reduction Techniques Link
📙 PCA application you must know things Link PCA - Second Principal Component have to be orthogonal to first one? See Why!
📙 PCA application step by step - 2 Link PCA-1, PCA-2
📙 Vehicle Loan Default Prediction [EDA + Model] Link
📙 Decision Tree Derivation Private Link
📙 Decision Tree end2end + HyperparameterTuning Link
📙 Decision Tree Questions Private Link
📙 Bagging(ensemble_concept[RF-ExTree]) Link
📙 Employees-earnings (Model comparison, EDA many more) Link
📙 SVM Link

🎳Feature Engineering

Feature Engineering Code + Blog Link
📙 Creating New Features Link
📙 Imputation (categorical,numerical) + Handling Outliers (standard deviation,percentile) + Scaling (normalization, standardization) + Binning + Encoding Categorical Variable + Featur Encoding (integer,onehot)) Link
📙 Variable Transformation (Square Root, Reciprocal, Logarithmic, Exponential\Power Transformation Link
📙 DateTime Engineering Link

👾Deep Learning

dl timeline.png State of the Art Object Detection Timeline usage image 1&2 stage detection YOLO Family.png YOLO Family evolution table

Deep Learning Code + Blog Link
📙 kNN to Parameterised Learning Link
📙 Deep Learning & Perceptron Trick Private Link
📙 Implementing Neural Network using NumPy from Scratch Private Link
📙 Keras Functional Models Link
📙 Hyper Parameter Tuning + Activation Functions + Selecting Right Activation Function + Optimizer + Loss, Error, Cost Functions + Project(Keras): Loan Prediction + Project: Image Classification(Emergency Vs Non-Emergency Vehicle) using NN Private Link
📙 Gradient Descent from Scratch Link
📙 SGD with Momentum from Scratch Link
📙 Weight Initialisation Techniques Link
📙 Activation Functions Link
📙 Loss Functions Link
📙 Optimizers & Fast Optimizers Link
📙 Regularization : Avoiding Overfitting Update Private Link
📙 Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning,Regularization & Optimization Link
📙 Applying KerasTuner & Dropout Link
📙 More Implementation Link
📙 Neural Network + ANN-Application-3 projects Link
📙 Loan Prediction Using Neural Network in Keras Link
📙 TensorFlow2.x & CNN Link
📙 CNN - ConvNet Link
📙 CNN on Cifar10 Link
📙 Image Captioning using Keras Link
📙 TransferLearning AlexNet-(2012) - Classification Link
📙 TransferLearning VGGNet-(2014) - Classification Link
📙 TransferLearning ResNet-(2015) - Classification Link
📙 Object Detection Basics Link
📙 Deep Into Object Detection Private Link
📙 Regional CNNs differeces (R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN) Link
📙 R-CNN - Object Detection Link
📙 Fast R-CNN - Object Detection Update Link
📙 Faster R-CNN - Object Detection Link
📙 SSD - Single Shot Detector
📙 YOLO - Single Shot Detector
📙 SceneClassificatio(On-places365_small) Link

Scene Classification Algos : Mostly used ones

  • ResNet is used by Google for scene classification in its image search engine
  • EfficientNet is used by Facebook for scene classification in its photo tagging system
  • MobileNet is used by Snapchat for scene classification in its augmented reality filters
  • InceptionNet is used by Microsoft for scene classification in its Azure Cognitive Services
Algorithm Strengths Weaknesses Best suited for
ResNet Accurate, efficient, and robust to noise. Can be computationally expensive to train. Large datasets and complex scene classification tasks.
VGGNet Very accurate, but computationally expensive. Can be overfitting to small datasets. Medium-sized datasets and simple scene classification tasks.
GoogleNet Accurate and efficient, but not as robust to noise as ResNet. Can be overfitting to small datasets. Medium-sized datasets and simple scene classification tasks.
DenseNet Accurate and efficient, but can be overfitting to small datasets. Medium-sized datasets and simple scene classification tasks.
InceptionNet Very accurate, but computationally expensive. Can be overfitting to small datasets. Large datasets and complex scene classification tasks.
Xception Accurate and efficient, but not as robust to noise as ResNet. Medium-sized datasets and simple scene classification tasks.
MobileNet Very efficient, but not as accurate as some of the other algorithms. Mobile devices and other resource-constrained environments.
EfficientNet Accurate and efficient, but can be overfitting to small datasets. Medium-sized datasets and simple scene classification tasks.

While choosing an algorithm for Scene Classification, consider following factors:

  • Size and complexity of the dataset: More complex algorithms, such as ResNet and InceptionNet, typically require larger datasets to train effectively
  • Computational resources available: Some algorithms, such as VGGNet and InceptionNet, can be computationally expensive to train and run
  • Specific application: For example, if algorithm will be deployed on a mobile device, then a lightweight and efficient algorithm, such as MobileNet or EfficientNet, may be best choice

Object Detection Algos : Mostly used ones

  • YOLO is used by Google for object detection in its self-driving car project
  • EfficientDet is used by Facebook for object detection in its video surveillance system
  • Faster R-CNN is used by Amazon for object detection in its warehouse automation system
  • Cascade R-CNN is used by Microsoft for object detection in its Azure Cognitive Services
  • Mask R-CNN is used by Tesla for object detection in its self-driving car project
  • SwinT and ViT are still under development
Algorithm Strengths Weaknesses Best suited for
YOLO Fast, accurate, can be deployed on mobile devices May not be as accurate as other algorithms for complex tasks Real-time object detection, object detection on mobile devices
SSD Fast, accurate, efficient use of computational resources May not be as accurate as other algorithms for complex tasks Real-time object detection, object detection on resource-constrained devices
EfficientDet Fast, accurate, efficient use of computational resources May not be as accurate as other algorithms for complex tasks Real-time object detection, object detection on resource-constrained devices
Faster R-CNN Accurate, can be scaled to different sizes and speeds Can be slower than other algorithms Object detection on high-performance devices
Cascade R-CNN Very accurate, can be scaled to different sizes and speeds Can be slower than other algorithms Object detection on high-performance devices for complex tasks
Mask R-CNN Accurate, can segment objects in images Can be slower than other algorithms Object detection and segmentation on high-performance devices

👀Computer Vision + OpenCV CNN CheatSheet

Computer Vision Code + Blog Link
📙 Image Transformation : (Pixel Manipulation, Getting & Setting Pixels, Image Translation, Rotation, Interpolation Methods and comarison, Fliping, Croping, Arithmetic, Bitwise, Masking, Channels Splitting & Merging ) Link
📙 Image Processing Techniques : (Image Enhancement,Image Restoration,Image Segmentation,Object Detection,Image Compression,Image Manipulation,Image Generation,Image-to-Image Translation) Link
📙 Image Processing Operations : (Morphological Operations, Smoothing & Blurring, ColorSpaces, Thresholding, Adaptive Thresholding, Kernels, Image gradient-Shobel & Scharr Kernels, Canny Edge Detection, Automatic Edge Detection) Link
📙 Morphological Operations(OpenCv) Link
📙 Phases of Image Processing, using flow_from_directory Link
📙 Image Histograms Link
📙 OpenCV-Building Glasses Filter Link
📙 Neural Networks & Parameterized Learning Link

🗣️NLP : RNN Cheatsheet

RNN architectures depending on task

  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
    • Vanilla RNN
    • Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) -- NOTE: Understant this and all otehr are just variation
    • Peephole LSTM
    • Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)
    • Bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM)
    • Stacked LSTM
  • Attention
    • Seq2seq with Attention
    • Self-attention
    • Multi-head Attention
  • Transformer
    • Step 1. Adding Positional Encoding to Word Embeddings
    • Step 2. Encoder: Multi-head Attention and Feed Forward
    • Step 3. Decoder: (Masked) Multi-head Attention and Feed Forward
    • Step 4. Classifier

NLP Code + Blog Link
(NLP Basics-1) : Tokenization,Lemmatization,Stemming,BOW,TF-IDF,
N-Gram,POS,Word Embedding(Word2Vec),Gensim,CBOW,SkipGram,FastText
(NLP Basics-2 Implementation) : (TextDataPreprocessing,ToLower,
Textual Evaluation Metrics(CER & WER),(Perplexity),(BLEU),(GLUE) Private Link
RNN Baics(short term memory), Types, Problems and Solutions Link
RNN Maths+Implementation Link
RNN Architecture + Embedding Link
RNN_LSTM_GRU Implementation + HyperBand Link
GAN's from Scratch Link
Transformers Private Link

🗿Recommender System

Recommender System Code + Blog Link
📙 Recommendation System Basic-(surprise_library) + All Why,What,When not, When to covered + Maths Covered +Project: Movie Recommendation(Non Personalised Recommender Systems using Count of Ratings (4 & above) + Weak Personalisation using Gender Information) + Personalised Recommender Systems + Collaborative Filtering & Types + Application of User-Based Collaborative Filtering from Scratch + Application of User Based Collaborative Filtering using [ Surprise Library ] + [ Scalability Challange ] for User Based Collaborative Filtering + Item-Based Collaborative Filtering + Implementation Item-Based Collaborative Filtering + Challenges for Neightbourhood Based Methods + Rating Prediction using [ Matrix Factorization with SVD ] + in progress Link
📙 Why Business (H&M) cares about Product Recommendation?? Link
📙 End to End Recommender System Link

🔴Spark Ecosystem

Spark Ecosystem Code + Blog Link
📙 Spark Ecosystem(Big Data + Apache Hadoop[HDFS,YARN,MapReduce] + Spark Ecosystem[Architecture,Cluster Manager,Running application - Locally and on YARN,SparkContext vs SparkSession,spark Dataframe+Execution]+spark sql api+spark ml) Link


AWS Blog Link Video Link
📙 Cloud Computing(AWS) Blog YT Play List
📙 AWS Sagemaker Blog YT Play List


Deployment Code + Blog Link Video Link
📙 Deploy ML + Dl models using Colab & AWS Link ---



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