edu is a minimal, transpiled programming language with not so easy syntax :P. edu transpiles to plain javascript
If you want to try it out, here is a playground
1) Lexer/ Tokenizer
- A tokenizer splits the input into a stream of larger units called tokens. This happens in a separate stage before parsing.
- A tokenizer splits the input into a stream of larger units called tokens. This happens in a separate stage before parsing.
2) Parser
- Parsers turn strings of characters into meaningful data structures (like a JSON object). The returned
- Parsers turn strings of characters into meaningful data structures (like a JSON object). The returned
3) Generator
- Generator takes the parsed object and changes it to the desired language(Javascript) which in turn will be executed to generate a machine code.
- null
- variables
- boolean
- numbers
- strings
- array
- if condition
- loop
- lambda functions
- comments
ባዶ := null
//transpiled version of the code
var ባዶ = null
ቡሊያን := እውነት
//transpiled version of the code
var ቡሊያን = true
ቁጥር := 100
//transpiled version of the code
var ቁጥር = 100
ቁምፊዎች := "ደብዳቤ"
//transpiled version of the code
var ቁምፊዎች = "ደብዳቤ"
ድርድር := [1 "ሁለት" እውነት]
//transpiled version of the code
var ድርድር = [1, "ሁለት", true]
If condition
መልስ := ከሆነ(እውነት
() => "እውነት ነው"
() => "ውሸት ነው"
//transpiled version of the code
var መልስ = ከሆነ( true, function ( ) {
return "እውነት ነው"
}, function ( ) {
return "ውሸት ነው"
} )
ለእያንዳንዱ(ክልል(0 6) አውጣ)
//transpiled version of the code
ለእያንዳንዱ( ክልል( 0, 6 ), አውጣ )
Lambda function
ተግባር := () => "ይሰራል"
//transpiled version of the code
var ተግባር = function ( ) {
return "ይሰራል"
A working fibonacci sequence example
ፋይቦናቺ := (n) => {
ከሆነ(ያንሳል(n 2)
() => n
() =>
ከሆነ(እኩል_ነው(n 2)
() => 1
() =>
ፋይቦናቺ(ቀንስ(n 1))
ፋይቦናቺ(ቀንስ(n 2))
//transpiled version of the code
var ፋይቦናቺ = function ( n ) {
return ከሆነ( ያንሳል( n, 2 ), function ( ) {
return n
}, function ( ) {
return ከሆነ( እኩል_ነው( n, 2 ), function ( ) {
return 1
}, function ( ) {
return ደምር( ፋይቦናቺ( ቀንስ( n, 1 ) ), ፋይቦናቺ( ቀንስ( n, 2 ) ) )
} )
} )
አውጣ(ፋይቦናቺ(10)) // 55 <= correct answer