To use this project, we recommend using the provided schema:
Here we use:
- 1 raspberry pi 4b (optional: for dashboard and mqtt server)
and per gun:
- 1 ESP8266 (nodeMCU v3)
- 4 buttons (we reccomend using 2 triggers (conected to A0: reload, and D7: shoot), and 2 buttons)
- 1 standaard pizzo buzzer
- 1 3mm IR LED
- 1 Ir receiver
- 1 oled screen
- 1 2n2222 transistor
- 4 10K Ω resistors (to ground the buttons)
- 2 individualy adressable RGB LEDs
- 1 4x AAA battery holder
- 1 3.3K Ω resistor (for the transistor)
- 1 100Ω resistor (for the IR lED)
an aditional switch between the transisor and the D3 pin is required: at boot the switch has to be off, else the ESP8266 will fail to boot.
Make sure you have visual studio code installed. Install the platform IO extention into visual studio code.
- clone the repo to a chosen folder
- open the folder with visual studio code
- open the source folder, and edit main.cpp:
- change the IDs in the correct places (indicated by "CHANGE!!!")
- change the wifi credentials, and the mqtt server address
const char* ssid = "name of your 2.4ghz Wifi"; const char* password = ""; const char* mqtt_server = "";
- connect the esp via usb cable to the pc
- upload the edited code to the ESP
This is a group project to build laser tag guns with some basic featuers (up to 4 teams, multiple game modes, multiple guns,...). This was originaly started with the intention of producing a few lasertag guns for the science fair.
This project is written using Visual Studio Code with the platformIO extention. For this project we use a (LoLin) NodeMcu v3 (using the esp 8266)(in platformIO seen as nodeMcu v1.0), and the IRremoteESP8266 libary. Their github:
Added added Pubsubclient libary:
by: Knolleary
This update we introduced the u8glib-HAL libary: u8glib-HAL libary
by: Scott Lahteine
We also added the ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 displays libary: ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 displays
- Daniel Eichhorn, ThingPulse
- Fabrice Weinberg:
This update we started using the FastLED libary