An IoT Project,a "Web Arduino" - webpage controlled Arduino.Control your NeoPixel LED Strip attatched to Arduino Microcontroller from anywhere,from any device having internet connection.Make your mood fresh by customizing the LED colors by RGB values and also you can make your guest happy by showing off some beatiful colors 😁.
This is simple project made by Arduino, the main microcontrooler to which our NeoPixel LED is attactched.A webpage made by HTML,CSS and backend handled by JavaScript. THe main interface between webpage and Arduino is handled by Node-js.It helps to provide socket connections to read/write the serial port of Arduino.This http server handles all requests and responses we need for communication between Arduino and our Webpage.
Hardware Part-Arduino Uno,NeoPixel LED Strip,connecting wires and a power supply.
Software Used-C++ for handling Arduino and NeoPixel Adafruit Library and its functions,which is specially used for controlling the LED Strip. HTML,CSS and JavaScript to build our webpage and also some Bootstrap components. Node.js for providing the web interface between these two.Node-js packages used-SerialPort npm package,
I am working on the webpage,mainly on the CSS styling and designing part.Also planning to add some more options for user to make more attractive and colorful RGB patterns.More info about using the project for a user in given here.
Get blinded by the lights :)