This app is no longer actively developed, please check unitemp-flipperzero.
You can still use this project for a super simple and easy to understand first-app template, especially v1.0.
HTU2xD, SHT2x, SI702x, SI700x, SI701x, AM2320
A small app for the Flipper Zero that reads the I2C signal from a few temperature sensors and displays the current temperature and humidity.
I'm using a Sparkfun HTU21D sensor, also tested with a clone and with the Si7021 variant.
If you have the FAP loader, just copy the fap file from the Releases into your Flipper apps folder and you should be able to launch it from the menu.
If you don't have the FAP loader you will have to bake this application together with your firmware (aka compile it all together).
1- Are the four connectors correctly soldered?
2- Are the SCL and SDA connections correct? Re-check the "How to Connect the sensor" above.
3- For the HTU21D, on the sensor board, there should be three contacts in the center, for it to work correctly they must be soldered together (basically drop a blob of solder to connect the three of them). Without the solder it looks like this:
Version 1.2
- RM11221439-0.71.2
- unlshd-015
- 0.71.1
Version 1.1
- RM10302252-0.70.1
- unlshd-012
- 0.68.2-1007-RM
- 0.68.1
- 0.67.2
In the application.fam, don't forget to change the apptype, it should not be EXTERNAL but APP.
Place the temperature_sensor folder in the applications_user folder and compile using FBT.
Please refer to the Flipper Build Tool documentation.