PyPLN is a distributed pipeline for natural language processing, made in Python. Learn more at the PyPLN website.
is a package that interacts with PyPLN HTTP API to do everything
programatically, in a Pythonic way. Basically, you are able to add/list
corpora, add/list documents and retrieve documents' properties (resulted from
the pipeline processing by the backend).
is available at Python Package Index.
So, to install it, just execute:
pip install pypln.api
You can see docstrings inside pypln.api.PyPLN
, but the general usage will be
something like this:
from pypln.api import PyPLN
# Start an authenticated session to PyPLN demo server
pypln = PyPLN('', ('username', 'password'))
# You could also use your authentication token:
#pypln = PyPLN('', 'my-auth-token')
# Add a new corpus to your account
new_corpus = pypln.add_corpus(name='test', description='my new corpus')
# Add a document to this new corpus
with open('my-file.pdf') as fp:
new_doc = new_corpus.add_document(fp)
print('Document added: {}'.format(new_doc))
# Retrieve all available (processed) properties for your brand new document
print('Processed properties:')
for document_property in
print(' - {}'.format(document_property))
# Retrieve one document property:
print('Extracted text from our PDF:')
# Retrieve a document using it's url:
from pypln.api import Document
# Make sure you replace this url for the url of a document you have access to!
my_doc = Document.from_url('',
('username', 'password'))
# Retrieve wordcloud image built from the document
with open("wordcloud_{}.png".format(doc_id), 'w') as fd:
ProTip™: use ipython to discover all methods available at
classes - they are very simple and straightford to use.
is free software, released under the